
Aug 06, 2004 11:10

I am killing all of the plants given to me. My mother is a definite green thumb. She has a garden that people from all around the area come by and ask to walk through. Her garden is featured in plant catalogues and an article was written about her for Fine Gardening magazine. Somehow, this woman bred a thumb of disease and misery. Covered in angry bubos.
I only have to take care of two plants: a jade plant given to me by Klara (named Is after The Maxx) and the beautiful yellow lily Sean gave me. The jade plant is withered with red edges to the leaves. The lily is all crumpled up and sad and brown and dry. Even though I watered it just as much as my mom said to. I make plants lose the will to live!

I have been having a lot of very vivid, very strange dreams. The kind of dreams where you think you just fell out of bed and onto the floor and that you're trying to get up but then you realize it's a dream and you fall on the floor for real, but oh, no, it's not really real either. Dreams where chihuahas take chunks out of flesh off of women's ankles, sending them running into cages full of apes and skeletons. Such am I.

Sean, Joey, and I went to Red Hot and Blue (a Southern barbecue place) the other night for dinner. Sean said he'd pay for the appetizer, an onion loaf, if I ate half of it along with as much of their gigantic salad as I usually consume. He figured I couldn't do it. A small and unfortunate part of me felt challenged so I ate all of that plus half of his bread. I don't think I ever ever ever want to eat that much of an onion loaf again. They're greasy.
After I won he felt the need to reclaim his manhood so he said he'd drink the remnants of one of the bottles of barbecue sauce for a dollar. I did not want to give him a dollar for this because it was kind of gross and I figured he'd be sick afterwards. Joey gave him the dollar, Sean drank the sauce, and lo and behold, Sean grew ill. I blame Ground South. :p

The biggest going on right now is that Ben and Anni are here! Yay! Sean set out our brand new electric griddle so that I could make them pancakes or something on it. However, we do not have any milk.
I am going to go try to find milk.
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