Many moons ago, I wrote a Les Miserables longfic called "
Between the Dog and the Wolf", as some of you might recall. It was fandom-famous for a long time, mostly because the fandom was small, and longfics were almost non-existent. Once the 2012 movie came out, it quickly drowned in an avalanche of longfics, and I forgot all about it.
A couple of years ago, a fan asked me for permission to make a Chinese translation. We spent many months ironing out various turns of phrase and meanings, and it was great fun. They also asked if they could translate the other short fics in my "You Know Nothing of Javert" series, and whether I could write them a small foreword.
Today I saw a message on Tumblr from several days ago. The translator said the work was finished, and I should get a copy in the mail by December.
And they attached screenshots.
Anyway, I'm looking at these pictures, and I'm wondering: these people spent an insane amount of their own time, talent, and money to turn my longfic into an objet d'art. Maybe I should try selling a novel to an actual publisher...