Every night, I stop and reflect on my day, the people I meet, the emotions I felt, the things I see, hear, smell...everything...
....and I can't believe the ugliness that's all around us. There's so much negativity, hate, and disrespect within our lives. As humans, we take advantage of the things we say, the actions we show. It just sickens me. The world will never be perfect, I understand. However, there are certain things we can prevent from happening that will make my life, your life, his life, and her life more comforting. We don't always know what's going on in other people's lives, so how can we act in such childish ways to show how we feel about them? Why must you talk down to people, as if they're inferior to you? Then, why talk about others behind their backs? What does that solve? - We can avoid such behaviors, but we choose not to. We choose what's easier, what's convenient to us. -I wish we could put a stop to this, but I know it will never happen. And that makes me extremely disappointed.
All I can do is inspire myself and strive to make a contribution to this world. A contribution of grace, comfort, and the right thing to do.