Last year i got myself filmed in an endless pull at the beautiful
Tenerife Top Training Aquacenter swimming facility.
Click to view
Things get better since then, but there is always space for improvement.... so i asked for analysys at And today i've got anwer by Adam Young!
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Nice video there, it's great to have the time aligned 3 way view to look at and makes analysing your stroke much easier.
Are you an overglider? In a word yes...
First obvious thing is that your legs are sitting quite low in the water - this can be made worse in an endless pool but it's definitely an issue in your stroke. Putting on the brakes a bit a lot as you try and over-extend forwards:
From that position you then can only push down, it's not possible to press the water backwards with a good catch from there:
This causes the front end to lift which pivots you around your centre and acts to sink your legs down. Working on a better catch is very much in the Overglider Swim Type Guide and will definitely help your body position (and stroke rhythm too of course).
You also strongly emphasise the back of the stroke. This is often encouraged by some swim coaches but we're not big fans of doing this because a) it can create a deadspot at the back (you have a bit of this often when your hand has just exited the water at the back you see it?) and b) encourages you to push upwards at the back with a straight arm, again acting to sink the legs:
Really if everything else is good in the stroke then the back should naturally follow, we don't like to emphasise it as that creates problems. Check out our blog post on this: ... -your.htmlRelaxing with the back end will improve your rhythm and timing, and keep your legs higher with a more relaxed hand exit.
Also watch the scissor kick when you breathe:
For most swimmers scissor kicks are caused by a crossover in front of the head and loss of balance but you don't have this. Yours is caused because of the deadspot and stalled stroke which you then have to restart in some way which you do with a bit bang of kick. Work on removing the scissor directly but also removing your deadspots and lifting your stroke rate will help remove it all by itself.
Hope that helps!
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Thanks, Adam!