Interview by
blinkyeyed 1. a common theme in your writing is flying/wings, where did this fascination come from?
Hmm.. I'd have to say half from anime, half from my chinese name. I always saw wings as being majestic, and that angels often use their wings to protect/shield ppl from harm. Could also say I wished to sprout wings to fly away, a symbol of release. The other half comes from my chinese name, where I am named after a mythical chinese bird that has huge wings and soars to great heights. My mom constantly tells me to "live up to my name". :D
2. what would you say is the most interesting (i.e. strange/hard/easy) part about being an international student as opposed to going to school at home?
Adjusting to the totally different lifestyle and culture. Plus finding a niche within the crowd. My most interesting experience would probably have to be the blatant act(s) of racism I experienced. Studying at home, one is always in a comfort zone, without much need to strike out and explore. Studying abroad makes one grow up in ways unexperiencable at home. Its an experience.
3. you are always asking questions about life and love and philosophy. do you think it's more beneficial to ask the questions or to know the answers?
I think its more beneficial to ask the questions then to have the answers handed to me on a silver platter. I might not know what the answers are for if I didn't ask the questions. Sometimes the answers aren't what I expect, and sometimes they are. I usually like to find 'em out for myself (with advice on the side from my friends).
4. you said once that thunderstorms make you nervous. in what weather condition do you feel the most at ease?
Definitely clear weather and blue skies. (Although you can't really see blue skies in the city). Accidents usually tend to happen more while its raining, so that makes me nervous. My fav season is probably autumn and my fav time of the day would be dusk/sunset and the time just before sunrise.
5. what has someone said to you that has the made the strongest impression in your mind?
Hmmm... this is a hard one. I can't quite think of anything specifically right now, but I think it has to be "You are a failure, you are stupid!!!" I could recall event(s) that made impressions more then sayings...
I feel like a someone of importance at being interviewed. >_< Although my answers aren't no where near as polished as theirs.
Well, if ya'll want to be interviewed,
1 -- Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 -- You'll update your journal with my five questions and your five answers.
4 -- You'll include this explanation.
5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.