See folks...

Jul 07, 2005 02:42

So I took this test on some web site...I figured I'd be pretty much right down the middle...although, I didn't like some of the questions, they were very vague and didn't really give enough choices to REALLY tell what you are. However, I had always said that I have Conservative views, and I have Liberal views...It's very hard to be one sided because I think our country tends to like to sit on one side of the fence and keep a closed on the other...meaning they make a stand and stick with it without listening to the other side...I on the other hand like to THINK FOR MYSELF AND QUESTION AUTHORITY, and listen to both arguments before choosing a side! Here's the results of my test...

Your Political Profile

Overall: 45% Conservative, 55% Liberal

Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

How Liberal / Conservative Are You?

I really do apologize for the lack of updates...I'm really going to try to get back into this...

In my personal life...

Things have been awesome! I've lost 50 LBS. in the last 3 months or so, and I've never felt better! It's amazing what one can accomplish with just a little will power! Everyone ahs asked me, "what'd you do to lose all that wieght?" Well, the answer is so simple! It's two very easy...very simple steps!

STEP 1: Stop fucking eating so much! (which includes fast food and soda!)

STEP 2: Get your fat ass off the couch, away from the computer, and go outside! Get active! Go for a walk, play some basketball! Chase a Chicken! I don't give a shit! Just get out there and do SOMETHING!

It's so funny how the media talks about an obesity problem in America and everyone blames something else! "It's genetics!" "I retain water" "I have a slow metabolism"

BULLSHIT! I used those same excuses...Just follow those two easy steps and live a smarter life...And unlike most assholes out there...I'm telling you all this shit for FREE! Unlike those cocker suckers, I'm not making a profit...I'm trying to help, cuz I've been in that spot and I know what it's like...So i'm offering this information to you! Just get out, be active, and eat smart! It's that simple!

Think for yourself! Question Authority!

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