(no subject)

Mar 21, 2005 20:35

Thought of the Day: When we first evolved into humans we were scavengers, much like a sea gull. We would wait until a pair of animals fought, then eat on the remains... If there were some. Our brains developed and we became hunter-gatherers. The real men made pointy objects out of rocks and threw them at unsuspecting cute animals like saber-toothed tigers and stuff. While the girly-men planted starchy ass vegetables.

What are we now?

Consumers. We destroy Earth on free-will. We drive gas-guzzling SUVs that get 7 MPG in perfect conditions, yet bitch about the gas price being high. Our sense of financial responsibility is shit caked. When faced with a debt we are quick to pull out the fantastic plastic and rack up 17% interest on a Big Mac.

I found this in my pal, Cuban's, AIM info and I could not agree more with this statement. Our culture today is out of contol...we have our young girls idolizing Paris Hilton, whom is dumber than a fucking stump and fucks like a jack rabbit. Also, let's not forget she dresses like she belongs on the street corner.

We have yuppie assholes invading everywhere...wearing their fanny packs, visors, short shorts, and Reeboks, talking on their Two Way Nextel phones, pulling out the mastercard and waiting to be approved for a bag of cheese doodles!

The biggest thing I'm sick of is our media! Instead of focussing on revealing the truth about corporate scum bags, and the TRUE agenda of Mr. Bush, we take time out of our day to talk about Chrisina Aguilara's new hairstyle...No wonder no other countries take us seriously...And when it comes to important issues, they don't take the time to go in depth and talk to EVERYONE, they speak with one or two people. They then take those words and twist them to turn it into fear and keep the American people pissing themselves.

That's the key theme in contolling people...It's present in politics, business, and religion...Keep people AFRAID, and you can get them to do whatever you want them to do.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Evolution supposed to PROgress? The way it looks today, is that we've gotten dumber over the years.

Today's American just makes me feel...Bored, scared, angry and depressed...

Think For Yourself, Question Authority

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