Oct 19, 2006 17:38
For as long as I can remember now I've had sounds emanating from my brain. Not voices or anything coherent, mere noises. As a logical and rational person I obviously attributed this to insekts, parasites that lie somewhere between organic and metallic, which find the moist hell of my mind a cosy place to inhabit. They are doing something in there, something obscene no less...
These noises vary greatly, most of the time I really assume they are bodily noise such as stomach grumbles, the brain meat is pulsating or something, it's probably coming from my sinuses. This doesn't explain all of the noises however, and some are obviously brain related. Sharp spikes of white noise whilst I'm sleeping that trigger my eyes to receive something akin to TV interference. Sonances that aren't easily explainable, not melodic per se but certainly unnatural that I've been consciously aware of hearing in my head without outside stimuli. Although saying all this, I've always been intrigued by how I can conjure whole pieces of music with all its polyphony and multi-timbral qualities intact in my head. This brain marvelling aside - I am still perturbed by the teratoid noises that often become more prevalent as I'm reaching that place close to unconsciousness.
Whilst this ordinarily would have me contemplating the solipsist significance of these noises, I am more concerned with what the insekts are up to. Whether this is in anyway linked to sporadic bouts of night terrors I am uncertain. What I am sure of though is that it makes for awkward sleeping patterns... Blasted insomnia. If ever I start hearing words I'll seek medical help, or start my own religion, whichever is more convenient at the time. I'll let the incessant chittering of the insekts continue for now...
Seven more days!!!