Monday Plot Post!

Sep 13, 2011 01:23

Oh snap. It's Jami with the Monday Plots this time. Bwha ha ha ~

Sign-up here, and I will give your character(s) a random plot event.

What is this for?

Random plots are a great way to push a character outside of their comfort zone, into interactions or situations they wouldn't pursue otherwise. If you're looking for something in particular, let me know and I'll see what I can do to oblige you. If you want to do something in tandem with another mun, feel free to sign up together, and I'll come up with a way to throw those two characters into one event. If you don't like the plot you're given, or aren't interested in playing it out, just let me know and I'll be happy to come up with something else!

Some Rules:
  • You can only sign up one character per month for a random plot.
  • You may only sign up a particular character once every three months. (IE if you sign up your Character A this month, don't put them in for the next two Monday Plots. BUT you can sign up your Character B next month!)
  • Sign-ups are closed after the first eight players/pairs to comment.
  • Denizen characters are not eligible for random plots.
  • You have two weeks from when I actually give you the plot to put your character through it (i.e., you're not going to be penalized if it takes me a day or two to come up with something for you).

If you sign up but don't participate?

It will be assumed that the random plot did not happen to your character, and I reserve the right to recycle it for a later date. Additionally, you will not be eligible to sign up any of your characters the following month.


“Your character comes across a group of rioters intent on burning down a park structure to make a political point. Standing in their way are several civilians wanting to preserve the park's heritage....and you. An hour later, you've survived, and even managed to save one of the civilians/rioters from harm...whether intentionally or inadvertently. Congratulations, you're the unlikely hero of the day!”

-You are free to determine what your character does to 'save' somebody. A Starscream might bribe the rioters to focus on something else, A Prime might gallantly swing in from the rooftops to pluck them to safety
-The character saved can be an NPC you make up, or a game character/NPC (provided you clear it with the character's mun or the mod playing the NPC, first).
-You can show your character experiencing the event however you want: an accidental transmission while it happens, a log with a PC or NPC, a reaction post after the fact. Anything you want is fair game, as long as you get it up within two weeks.
-The results are up to you! Your character can get beat up in the process, or get a reward from the 'victim.' Anything not explicitly stated in the post is free for you to fill in.

Fill out the text field below and leave a comment! I shall reply with a description of the random event that will be occurring to your character. The details and outcome are for you to create yourself, although feel free to ask for input if you want more info or help with the specifics.

Finally, the most important instruction is to have fun!

Requested partner(if applicable)
Any situations/weapons/body parts off-limits?

*monday plot

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