Event Updates!

Apr 10, 2011 17:11

As of yesterday, the musical event has drawn to a close!  As Livejournal has been acting up for the past few days, feel free to backdate posts - But as of 12am Sunday morning, the magic has faded, and there are no more musical numbers (unless you were prone to breaking into song to begin with.).

With the event complete, we're going to post a poll to decide what the next game-wide event should be.  It likely won't be until next month, to give everyone a bit of a breather - But it will give us an idea of what you guys would like to see.

Please only choose your top two event choices.  (It's only two polls because the options wouldn't all fit on one - Only choose two out of all of them.)

Poll Events! Everywhere!Event Explanations:

Seven Sins/Virtues event - Characters involved become the embodiment of a Sin or a Virtue
Regression (mental/physical) event - Characters could possibly be plucked for experimentation. They are regressed MANY years (or millenia, depending) and will act accordingly.
Honesty event: A toxin is accidentally released and characters cannot help but speak the truth.
Invasion from another planet/aliens/etc - There’s a lot that could be done with this - Maybe even bigger mechanoids or something that puts the Transformers to shame. Or, it could be small, like a sudden influx of moogles. Another possibility is a foreign race intent on enslaving everyone - There could be captures, heroic acts, death, chaos, mayhem, etc.
Outbreak of Cosmic Rust - Malcolm's favourite event. It could end up mutating to affect the organics as well.
Mist Event - The write-up for this is right here.
Cyborg Monks - The write-up for this is right here.
Alternate future - Essentially, your character is still them, but if one major life event from their past had changed.
Michael Bay event - All posts must include three Michael Bay cliches, such as ridiculously large explosions, gratuitous female flesh exposure, crude references (particularly to balls), etc.
Severe Emotions event - Similar to the sins event, each character has a single emotion magnified to a massive degree - Such as happiness, anger, jealousy. A lot like TFA Starscream's clones. Dirge, you'd know all about this.
Sailor Senshi event - Brilliance spawned by an old meme we had. Nine people find their lives drastically, drastically different...
Dead Space event - I don't have the write-up yet.  But it is awesome!
Green Lantern event - Basically everyone wakes up with a ring of a certain color, just waiting for them to put on. All the colors are different aspects - the rings are powered by how much of that aspect you possess. (Green is willpower, yellow is fear, violet is love, red is anger, blue is hope, orange is greed, indigo is compassion, black is death, white is life.)
Transtech/Metaplot - Cheetor will start handling the complaints he's been receiving about the Transtech Shockwave.  Plot ensues.

We'll take the top four choices, and do another poll to decide which order the events will happen in.  If you have any events you want to add, or I missed, just let me know on AIM or in the comments, and I'll throw them on the poll too.

stupei, !modpost

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