Mod Announcments - Part Two

Jan 22, 2011 10:54

And now for the continuation of mod announcements! Because there are so damned many!  I know it's a lot, but please make sure you read both of these posts.

We are now taking suggestions for new game-wide events. Most recently, we had the holiday event, which seemed to be a success? We've accumulated past suggestions, so they're available as ideas as well:

Seven Sins/Virtues event - Characters involved become the embodiment of a Sin or a Virtue
Regression (mental/physical) event - Characters could possibly be plucked for experimentation. They are regressed MANY years (or millenia, depending) and will act accordingly.
Honesty event: A toxin is accidentally released and characters cannot help but speak the truth.
Invasion from another planet/aliens/etc - There’s a lot that could be done with this - Maybe even bigger mechanoids or something that puts the Transformers to shame. Or, it could be small, like a sudden influx of moogles. Another possibility is a foreign race intent on enslaving everyone - There could be captures, heroic acts, death, chaos, mayhem, etc.
Outbreak of Cosmic Rust - Malcolm's favourite event. It could end up mutating to affect the organics as well.
Mist Event - The write-up for this is right here.
Cyborg Monks - The write-up for this is right here.
Alternate future - Essentially, your character is still them, but if one major life event from their past had changed.
Michael Bay event - All posts must include three Michael Bay cliches, such as ridiculously large explosions, gratuitous female flesh exposure, crude references (particularly to balls), etc.
Severe Emotions event - Similar to the sins event, each character has a single emotion magnified to a massive degree - Such as happiness, anger, jealousy. A lot like TFA Starscream's clones. Dirge, you'd know all about this.
Sailor Senshi event - Brilliance spawned by an old meme we had. Nine people find their lives drastically, drastically different...

Past Events:
Human Event - Self-explanitory, really.
Bodyswap Event - Again, pretty obvious.
Visiting Alternate Realities - Citizens were deported, and sent to the wrong worlds. They eventually returned, bearing an artifact from their misadventure.
Shattered Glass event - Several characters were infected with a virus which mirrored their personalities. Those who were evil found themselves wanting to do good, and vice versa.
Weather Generator Failure - The mountains of unplanned for snow we currently have.
Annual Festival - The Festival of the Pixels/wishing tree/etc.

And I may be missing a couple - Feel free to remind me.

We likely will not be repeating any of the past events for a while - There are just so many suggestions and new ideas, it seems a shame to repeat things we've already done so soon. If you have new ideas that aren't on this list, feel free to add them to this post. In a couple weeks, I'll put up a poll, and we can narrow it down to the top few favourites - and then, launch them in game!

Our next event we already have planned is Fourth Wall Day! For those who have never participated in this event before, it does not count as in-game canon. A post will be made on the spam community, and anyone and everyone can post on it. Any character is allowed post, and people who are not a part of Axiom are welcome to participate - So feel free to invite your friends and past players to join in. The event will be happening on the weekend of February 4-6th, so mark your calendars! Here is the previous fourth wall event, to give you a better idea.

After some recent concerns, I have created a feedback page. It's something like a constant HMD for the game and moderator staff - So if you have any concerns, you have a place where you can be heard. (I'm still working out how to fit it into the html, but for now, it is on the moderator journal. derp.)

We've been hoping to get the AIM chat back and running, though it's been a little slow-going. It's a great place to hang out, talk about the game, and even bounce ideas. You can find it at 'axiomnexuschat' - I'm wondering if we made a list of those who wanted to participate, we may be able to populate it a little easier? Definitely open to suggestion on that one.

I know that the MacGuffins have long been a source of confusion - I can't count the number of times that someone has asked me what Optimus' codename is. I've been wondering if creating a directory of MacGuffin characters and their false names would be helpful to anyone? If anyone who has been named a MacGuffin could please check in on this post and provide their fake name, it would be much appreciated.

And last, but not least, there will be a metaplot event happening within the next two weeks. Expect an announcement from Axiom Security - It seems that the higher-ups are not impressed with the state of their city, and will be taking action, Best watch out, outworlders!

stupei, game updates, !fourth wall event, !modpost, plot

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