updates on Marketplace mini-plots

Aug 07, 2010 11:24

For those that have chosen (or were threatened) to sign up for

…there will be an organized scene coming up for all those involved in the class, thus an opportunity to showcase your cheesy wonderfully crafty artwork to all of the Nexus - whether it is "real" paper scrap-booking or a digital collage. (You may want to start thinking about it now, so you have plenty of time to prepare.)

There might even be a few secret incentives for participants…

* * *

And for those that purchased

…you might discover that some of them contain strange creatures that have been stored in stasis lock for an unknown amount of time. You probably didn't even notice at first, because only a random few of them were occupied...

  • Players are allowed to choose which Pokémon they discover - as per the criteria below. (Assume that you have received the appropriate Pokéball to house your specific choice. It does not need to be the standard red-n-white default one.) If you have a life and don't have all of the Pokémon memorized, you can look them up in the Pokédex here.
  • If you purchased an even number of Pokéballs, you will find one of them contains a stored resident; whereas if you purchased an odd number, you will find two of the balls do.
  • You may choose any Pokémon whose catalog ID ends in your number procured. (Such as, if I bought 5 balls, I can opt for #005 Charmeleon and #135 Jolteon as my two picks.) However, when selecting, take a look at the HP meter on the lower righthand side of the Pokédex...
    • if their HP is level 1 or 2, they are healthy! You can summon them at will. And they probably will even listen to you.
    • if their HP is level 3, they will be very weakened and need recuperation time. They also won't like you very much at first.
    • if their HP is level 4, they will be in a coma &/or extremely beat up. They will require immediate medical attention or need to be put back in stasis.
    • Pokémon of level 5 HP are not available for selection (…since they are like…Macguffins and all. ANOSA would have noticed those.)
Your character is free to do whatever they wish with their creature: befriend it, train it, sell it, eat it, etc. No previous Pokémon knowledge is required on your part - although if you intend to evolve a low-level creature, please research it and attempt to follow the recommended recipe (as best as is possible within the Nexus.)

Also one more thing to note: Pokéballs in their natural state are tiny. They're not that big compared to 10-year-old humans, so they will positively microscopic to Cybertronians. Thus, characters may need special implements to activate them -or- the balls will have to be matter-displaced to a more useful proportion. (This will not change how much "pocket dimension" they link to nor change the scale of Pokémon residing inside, however.)

Additionally, avoid 'adopting' any legendary or fully sentient Pokemon, for the same Macguffin reason as listed above.  These pokemon will be confiscated if sighted.

((All that accent aigu there makes me feel French...))


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