Jun 08, 2009 17:21


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Figured I should add this not_your_gun August 25 2009, 02:41:00 UTC
Location Name: The Decibel Gladiator Arena
Zone/Area: Zone 6
Description: (Steals from Arena log)

The 'Decibel' Arena lies in Zone 6, towards the end, just past the Casinos and the Bars. Its the one circuit that actually is 'legal,' several others existing even lower down that are not so much so. Theoretically, it is the most 'safe,' and for the most part, bots tend to come out of the ring alive. It does its 'best' to stick to what the law requires, but this 'best' is frequently stretched to the very worst--outlawed weaponry, fixed matches, underground betting, extortion, and, even though one probably won't die, extreme roughness and dismemberment are discreetly rewarded.

This is the place to go when you want some action, some raw energy, or if you just spent too much time in the casinos/ bars and haven't yet admitted that you're broke.

The Arena itself is circular, and a very high, doubly-reinforced wall separates it from where the viewing area starts. Med-bots are on hand for the end of each battle, though there is a distinct difference in the ones that treat the winners and the ones that treat the losers. In the back of the arena, where the contestants tend to mingle, are several offices where 'paperwork' is taken care of, and payoffs are given. There are also a few 'locker rooms' for bots to rest in before and after matches, and one can usually get some extra energon or boosts in there for reasonably cheap.

The bleachers themselves are pretty straight-forward. Nearest to the ring are very cheap and easy-to-get benches...but these are also somewhat dangerous in case of flying shrapnel or stray fire. Midway up are actual individual seats that are a bit more 'comfortable' and expensive, and at the top are (reasonably) private viewing rooms for those who have the pretty cash that they're worth. None of these options are particularly organic-friendly (the arena wasn't designed with them in mind,) but the circuit loves paying organics since the cost is the same and they take up MUCH less room than the other customers (usually.)

Frequently there are vendors circling to allow for betting or to sell a body rather over-priced high-grade. Tension levels can run high in the stands, so its a good way to relax. Fighting in the bleachers is definitely not takes away from the real business...(though sometimes if the fights are good enough they'll just throw you down into the ring and let you duke it out (free entertainment isn't -always- bad.)) Nevertheless, the management does ask that non-participants 'peace-bind' their weaponry when entering, and there are door-guards who are fairly successful at enforcing this.


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