put on your face and let's pretend

Aug 10, 2010 21:08

WHO: IDW Nemesis Prime, UT Starscream
WHAT: I'M HALF ASLEEP SHUT UP Starscream stumbles upon a Nemesis, up to no good.
WHERE: Zone 6
WHEN: Evening
WARNINGS/NOTES: Possible fight/violence.

these killing lights won't kill us all again )

transformers: idw | nemesis prime, † transformers: unicron tril | starscrea

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wingedwoobie August 11 2010, 04:35:29 UTC
He was surprised to find himself in this Zone again so soon, especially with the chaos that was the Arena now that word of its definite closing had gotten around. There was a reason for him for it though, one that involved his new Leader, the Malgian Megatron, Magnus. He wanted to know more about his (former) subordinate's death, Lugnut. It hadnt been too difficult to realize that he and the 'Atomic Lugnut' at the Arena were one in the same, and that after Dirge's expression of mourning and yells over open lines, that he was connected somehow as well.

Getting information out of the Arena hadnt been too difficult; eaves drop a bit, intimidate a few mechs, etc etc. He hadnt learned much though; just that the caged match hadnt taken place in years, and that this one only did because of a convenient generous donation- requesting the return of it. Starscream could assume that the same mech had arranged for Lugnut to fight in the match- he could assume that Dirge was the other fighter, and that there was some reason for the two to be the ( ... )


sumptushubris August 11 2010, 04:56:30 UTC
Having not imbibed Energon for Vorns, Nemesis could hardly recall what it felt like to be overcharged. He, too, looked upon the fallen mechs with disdain, not bothering to hide his irritation with them. The smart scooted themselves out of his path.

The foolish...well...

He halted outside a warehouse that his sources claimed held the entrance to one of the underground groups. One of the ones that dealt with supplies for this Zone...

Diplomacy first, he mused silently. One always gave the others a chance to see things his way of their own will.


wingedwoobie August 11 2010, 05:11:47 UTC
It must have been karma; karma for all the things his alternatives(and thus he) had done.

Why else, would he have noticed the large, ominous frame in the next alley he passed?

He is on guard instantly, frame tense and eying the abomination with a scowl.


sumptushubris August 11 2010, 05:19:36 UTC
The door did not open when he made to slide it open. He could have used more strength, ripped it off its track...instead, Nemesis slid a finger down where it met the wall, bringing the Darkness to play. Small black circles seemed to follow the digit, embedding themselves within the door and eating away at its metal...

And then Nemesis paused. He was...not alone.

His head turned slowly, more of the Darkness awakening at the idea that someone was watching him.


wingedwoobie August 11 2010, 05:46:02 UTC
That... had not been what he'd been expecting to see. The Darkness- because thats all that it really could be called- had seemed to make the door impeding Nemesis disintegrate.

A deep chill goes down his backstrut. He says nothing, simply watching the thing with barely veiled fear. The darkness surrounding it was reminiscent of Unicron's blackholes; deep and depthless and without a speck of light to speak of.

As for the disintegrating door...

Well, he knew first hand how painful it was to die that way.


sumptushubris August 15 2010, 04:57:02 UTC
The door didn't fully collapse. Just its side, just enough for it to creak open. Unrestricted use drained him...there was no point in using much when a little would perform the function.

Some of the 'wisps' stayed about him coiling and floating about, the very opposite of light sparkling off armor. Undeniably malevolent, these were what 'noticed' Starscream, and what urged Nemesis's attention remain on him now. The Prime's optics darkened slightly before they brightened in recognition.



wingedwoobie August 15 2010, 05:03:25 UTC
"Yes; 'Me'." There wasnt much else he could say to that, and besides slightly bared teeth and narrowed optics, his expression doesnt change. Mentally, he's debating whether he wanted to cut the mech in half, or make a tactical retreat.


sumptushubris August 15 2010, 05:24:07 UTC
The option of retreat is there, for now, though there is no telling how long it will remain. Nemesis turns a bit more to face Starscream, regarding him coolly.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?"


wingedwoobie August 15 2010, 05:43:30 UTC
Starscream eyes the wisps wearily in the corner of his optics. "An unfortunate coincidence. Though now I'm wondering what your... 'business' is."


sumptushubris August 15 2010, 06:06:38 UTC
"My business here is none of your concern. Unless you are apt to make it such...in which case, I would fear for your life."

Calm. Simple. The only threat was the words themselves, and yet, the lack of overt aggression made them all the more dangerous.


wingedwoobie August 15 2010, 22:14:20 UTC
Lightly he growls in the back of his throat, hand twitching, aching to draw his blade.

"While your concern is touching, you'd be better off fearing for your own- or whatever constitutes as your 'life'."


sumptushubris August 16 2010, 02:25:17 UTC
"Whyever would I fear for mine?" Nemesis inclined his head slightly. "There is no threat to it within this Nexus - dare I say upon this entire planet?"

Arguably...this was not true. There could be one neither he nor the Darkness was aware about...excluding Optimus Prime, but he would be taken care of. And, arguably, this whole conversation was a time-waster.

Nemesis found himself allowing it anyway. He had much time, recently.


wingedwoobie August 16 2010, 04:45:43 UTC
"Are you really that arrogant? Or do you simply not have the processing power to comprehend that there are multiple Megatrons here? Optimus Primes, even? Do you really think you can take them on? Not even your tricks would be able to save you from them!" Tricks like coming back together after being blown into thousands of pieces, or that darkness curling around him now.


sumptushubris August 16 2010, 04:47:22 UTC
"I have already defeated one Megatron. He is no match for me, wretched gladiator that he is. As for Optimus Prime..."

The black hatred in his voice made the Darkness itself coil in response. It wanted something else, the very driving force behind his plans to eliminate the other Prime. And oh, now that he knew of Galvatron's betrayal, hatred for the violet mech sprung to processor as well...he relished in this feeling, so much stronger than he had felt in Vorns.

Let them come. Let both of them come, let all of them come, all who would dare to obstruct his path and plans.

Let them come, and let them fall.

"All I know is that there is no trickery to save him in this place."


wingedwoobie August 16 2010, 05:02:50 UTC

There is shock, fear and denial behind his words- but even then, he knows that it was a very possible statement; his Nemesis had been able to beat his Megatron as well- along with him, two Autobots, and another Decepticon. Even so, the shame and anger and fear from that battle filled him, along with rage at the dismissive way he spoke of the two Leaders; of the threat and promise in his words.

Suddenly he is charging forward, wing moving forward even as he grabs it, slashing it forward and bringing forth his blade, burning with an angry red glow. Starscream's fear of the unknown, of the darkness and of Nemesis takes a back seat as moves to attack- to deliver a fast, killing blow in the form of decapitation.

"Then I'll just have to kill you first-!"


sumptushubris August 16 2010, 05:07:24 UTC
"Poor, pitiful fool."

It seemed the truth would have to be put in to this one's processor as well. But he would not be so lenient as he was with the gladiator; no, Nemesis felt that a message was required, here. He couldn't spend all his time wiping dirt off his hands...!

Speaking of hands.

Raising his own, Nemesis caught the wingblade without any visible effort. It bit in to his palms, but instead of energon leaking from the wound - black did, sweeping over the weapon like smoke. In a sense, it was a sort of lifeblood leaking, with the newfound feeling of effort to manipulate the Darkness in such a way...but he showed no sign of this.


"How well can you fight without your weapon, I wonder?...Megatron was so angry when I touched his own."


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