(no subject)

Jul 09, 2009 18:27

Who: Movie!Starscream, Barricade
What: Hashing out their issues
Where: Directly outside of new arrival processing
Summary: With this conversation, both Starscream and Barricade have the need to get facts straight, one way or the other.
Notes: None

Really, he wasn't surprised by the hostility he was getting, especially from Ironhide. There was little love lost between them, even when they had worked together. As opposing warriors, it was a surprise they weren't trying to blow each other's heads off. But something in the way Ironhide clung so tenaciously to Prime's fueling nozzle just irked him. The old bot was a curmudgeon, too stubborn to be taken off-line, and too stubborn to upgrade, too. Unfortunately, that also went for his opinions. Starscream had hoped to find some common ground with him. Talk of saving their homeworld, and no longer being under Megatron's yoke--

It always came back to Megatron.

In his world, the Lord Protector had died, his spark merged with the Allspark in an event that destroyed them both. The bodies of his Decepticon brothers had been dumped in the ocean, except for three. Scorponok had hidden himself... itself away in the deserts of the middle east. Frenzy's body had been retrieved by Starscream, for the purpose of possibly rebuilding Cybertron with the information he'd gathered on the cube.

That left Barricade. The one soldier of their planetside squadron that Starscream considered competent and, possibly, trustworthy. The one who, like him, was a survivor. He'd charged Barricade with repairing himself and, once that was done, continuing surveillance on the Autobots. His hope was to return and, if Barricade hadn't killed them by himself, return with him to Cybertron, the Autobots taken prisoner to serve penance for their war crimes against Cybertron. If anyone else on his Earth team had survived, they likely would have been put to trial as well. Followers of Megatron and Optimus Prime. Followers of flawed, selfish theologies. War criminals, all of them.

Before he'd left to find Frenzy, he'd told Barricade of Megatron's demise.

But now... he wasn't so sure. Barricade seemed urgent about meeting here, after asking about Megatron's status. Ironhide called him a liar when he proclaimed Megatron to be dead.

This was not right at all, and Starscream intended to fight out exactly why.

† transformers: 2007 movie | barricade, transformers: 2007 movie | starscream

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