WHO: Temeraire, Naomi, J, Vergil, Agatha?
WHAT: Congregating on Temeraire following his awakening after his abduction by Shockwave.
WHERE: In the street, one of upper levels of Zone 6.
WHEN: Backdated to just after
Temeraire's post.
WARNINGS/NOTES: I am thinking having a posting order would probably be easiest? You folks can tag, and then I'll hop in when everyone's gone, and that can be the order?
Temeraire was a very unhappy dragon right now. It was strange enough to have woken up somewhere radically different from where he went to sleep, but he was starting to realize that something was wrong, terribly wrong, and even if he wasn't sure what the extent of that wrongness might be, it was still disconcerting.
But he'd spoken to many of his friends, and even though the actual act of conversing had been highly disconcerting, the knowledge that hey were coming was not. And though in his distress he'd curled himself into the tightest ball of black scales a creature of his size could feasibly manage, he still raised his head periodically to survey, waiting for their arrival...
It would be good not to be alone right now.