save tonight and fight the break of dawn [closed]

Sep 20, 2009 01:25

Who: Mikaela and Sam
What: On a date!
When: After Sam's...second return XD
Where: Somewhere around the city~

come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone )

transformers: 2007 movie | mikaela banes, transformers: 2007 movie | sam witwicky

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lad1esman217 September 21 2009, 01:31:19 UTC
As for Sam?

The kid didn't bother to dress up. He didn't have any nice clothes to put on, just a dark blue t-shirt with some pants. However, he made sure his breath smelled nice and he brushed his hair. The only thing he forgot to do was shave so his lower face was covered in stubble.

He looked down at his communicator at the location Mikaela had given him. Okay, seemed easy enough to get to now that he finally knew his way around most of the city. Before he put the communicator away, Sam's eyes traveled over to his hands. The glyphs were traveling and fast. They covered both of his hands and up his right arm.

The arm wasn't as noticeable but his hands looked bruised. Really bruised. Before he left, Sam snatched up a pair of tan gloves he bought earlier and threw them on his hands.

Finally he was ready and he headed out.

Within fifteen minutes Sam reached the restaurant and was able to notice Mikaela right away.

Wow she looked... really... she was like one of those models he used to stick up on his wall. He mouth dropped and then a smiled jumped on his face and he walked quickly over to the table and wrapped his arms around the sitting Mikaela.

"Hey beautiful."


greasemunkygal September 21 2009, 01:45:12 UTC
She'd been flipping through a menu when she felt Sam's arms around her, and she leeeeaned into him, giving him a little nuzzle when he spoke.

"Hey, Sam." She scooted over in the booth she was in, hoping he'd want to sit next to her. She eyed him appreciatively, she thought he looked nice, regardless of what he might think about himself.

"Glad you could make it." She grinned at him, running her fingers through her hair self consciously.


derpderp lad1esman217 September 21 2009, 02:06:17 UTC
As she nuzzled him, he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and moved to the other side of the table and sat down. It wasn't that he didn't want to sit next to her, he just... didn't want his arm to be more noticeable than it already was.


He was... so... under dressed and probably looked like a bigger dork than he already was next to her.

"So am I. We haven't really gotten to do this a lot, huh?"


derpderp yoself! XD greasemunkygal September 21 2009, 02:41:19 UTC
She had to admit, she liked that unshaved look on him. He looked slightly older. She can't help but smile at him.

"No, we haven't. I've been pretty excited about it all day today." She grinned, playing with her hands. "You you like my dress?" She smoothed it, then rested her hands in her lap and laughed. "With what little of it you can see, anyway."

He isn't underdressed. Not to her. He could have come in in a burlap sack and she would have thought he looked wonderful.


nevah~ lad1esman217 September 21 2009, 02:57:27 UTC
The unshaved look was weird to Sam, even though he liked it as well. It just meant he was growing up. But he could still remember two years ago, just looking in the mirror and waiting for at least on hair to appear.

"So have I."

He blinked.

Her dress? Ah yes, girls asked about that sort of thing. Sam smiled, when he gave her the hug from behind he managed to get a small glimpse of it. "Yeah. Of course. It looks... really amazing on you."


>.> greasemunkygal September 21 2009, 03:01:51 UTC
She was pleased to hear that he had been looking forward to it too. She blushed, and rested her hands on the table.

"Thanks." She peered at him with a grin. "You look nice, too."

She was temporarily distracted when a waiter strolled by, asking for their drink orders.


:3 lad1esman217 September 21 2009, 03:36:43 UTC
Sam tugged at the collar of his t-shirt. He had to disagree. Really. "Not as nice as you though." It sounded like he was sucking up, but he wasn't. He had no reason to.

"Uh..." Sam picked up a menu and looked at the back of it.

"Coke, please?" he ordered then started looking at the menu itself to figure out what he was gonna eat.


<333 greasemunkygal September 21 2009, 03:42:27 UTC
She just smiled at him and shook her head. She knows he's not sucking up, but flattery is always nice.

"Just a water." She murmurs, staring at the menu. "What do you think you're gonna get, Sam?" She peered over the top of her menu at him, giving him a little smile. She's definitely taken note of those really...weird gloves you're wearing Sam. She's just not going to ruin the moment yet by asking about them.


<3 forever! lad1esman217 September 21 2009, 04:03:12 UTC
And he was telling her the truth.

"I'm not sure yet..." he chewed on his lip. "Have you decided?" Maybe whatever she was having, he could just copy her. Maybe.

At least the gloves weren't large worker ones that Sam had almost bought. He thought about it, he did. Until he realized he's trying to avoid people talking about it so Sam decided on biker-punk-thin like gloves.

"Whoa, they have Alfredo pasta." Man... Sam missed his mom's cooking.


<3 FOREVER AND EVER greasemunkygal September 21 2009, 04:34:42 UTC
She knows, and it makes her adore him even more.

"Um...I was kinda going for the Alfredo too...sounds pretty good, doesn't it?" She taps her chin thoughtfully, then nods. "Yeah, I think I'll do that."

Once the waiter comes back and they give their order, it doesn't take long before their food is brought and their plates were emptied. They must have been starving!

"Wow. That was really good, wasn't it?"


<3 AND EVER AND EVER 8D lad1esman217 September 21 2009, 04:53:30 UTC
Sam was stretching his his seat and wiggled around. "It was. I really liked it." At least they found a place with good food. Sam made a small mental note to return here on their next date.

"Are we getting dessert?" He was kinda already full but if she wanted it, then he would be more than happy to get some.

All Sam wanted to do now at this point was wander around the streets with his girlfriend's hand in his and just-- enjoy their time. He was enjoying their time now, yes, but he couldn't just reach over and grab her hand because there was that risk of her seeing his arm. Now if they were side by side holding hands, she probably wouldn't notice it.


I LOVE YOU ALWAYS FOREVER NEAR AND FAR CLOSER TOGETHER greasemunkygal September 21 2009, 05:00:04 UTC
"Hmm. I'm pretty stuffed." She leaned back as well, shifting her weight and looking rather pleased. When the waiter brought the check, Mikaela immediately took it and paid the bill, then started pushing herself out of her seat.

"Wanna just like...walk around the city? We don't have to be anywhere tonight, as far as I know." No meetings, no 'omg someone's kidnapped', or riots or craziness. It was just them, and Mikaela was really enjoying it.

And Sam, she's already noticed something really weird is going on with your hands.


You've got the most unbelievable blue eyes I've ever seen~ lad1esman217 September 21 2009, 05:10:13 UTC
Wow. She was fast. Sam was reaching for his wallet as well but Mikaela took care of the bill before he could. "What? Mikaela-- you didn't-- I could have taken care of it. Really." Oh man did he feel bad.

"That sounds perfect. Really perfect." A peaceful night was the best night to spend with the love of his life. Seriously, Sam couldn't see himself with another girl, no matter what he dad said.

Well, Sam doesn't know that. He thinks that maybe, just maybe he's being a ninja about it. That maybe she hasn't noticed and if she hasn't noticed then everything could be all right and she wouldn't worry.

She deserved a day not to worry about him. After the past month... Mikaela needed a stress-free day. Hopefully that would be today.


You've got, me almost melting away~ greasemunkygal September 21 2009, 05:17:38 UTC
"It's fine." She waved her hand and held out her hands to him to pull him up. She just wanted him with her. If he was with her, then things would be fine and everything would be okay and she didn't have to worry about Decepticons and secrets and riots and fear and pain and death and destruction. When Sam was around, everything like that disappeared.

"Good." It sounded perfect to her too, and if she'd heard Sam's Dad say that she probably would have been pissed. So far she wasn't stressed out (yet), and she started towards the door of the place.


As we lay there~ Under a blue sky with pure white stars~ lad1esman217 September 21 2009, 05:24:15 UTC
He grabbed her hands and pulled himself out of the booth then wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling Mikaela close to him. Close enough so he could feel her but giving her room to actually breathe.

By the time they walked out of the restaurant, the sun was already setting so the sky was turning a nice pretty color. All sorts of oranges clashing with each other.

Yeah, tonight was a good night.


Exotic sweetness, a magical time~ greasemunkygal September 21 2009, 05:31:00 UTC
She smiled and gave him a quick kiss when he pulled her close. She took his hand (yes, noticing the gloves, Sam), and walked out of the restaurant with him.

"Wow. Look at the sunset. 'S really pretty. I've never really had a chance to stop and look at it here." She murmured, twining her fingers with his. It wasn't terribly late, they'd had dinner early enough that things were still open should they want to stop in somewhere.


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