on a boat in a river [CLOSED]

Sep 16, 2009 21:49

Who: Soundwave (SG) & Bumblebee (Movie)
What: After the fires and riots have calmed somewhat, there's a moment in darkness.
Where: Some alley lmao.
Summary: Could be the end of a boat ride, or they might carry on in the river. Who the heck knows. Fluff.
friend of mine used to say -- kick reason and logic to the curb )

† shattered glass | soundwave, transformers: 2007 movie | bumblebee

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bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 05:28:07 UTC
Bumblebee was lurking in the shadows. Well, the best a bright yellow 'bot could, anyway. He'd been called back to work after the whole business with the fires and saving the students at all. No rest for the wicked, after all. So technically he was on the clock, on 'preventative patrol.' It was more like sitting and looking for people who may or may not be breaking parole. He jumps slightly at the voice, spinning to see--

Soundwave. The Autobot relaxes slightly, shaking his head admonishingly and adding a wagged finger for emphasis.

"Don't sneak up on me like that."


inferiordude September 17 2009, 05:31:42 UTC
"Whoa, whoa--"

He holds up his servos, waving them a little bit almost in defense. However, he isn't worried about Bumblebee hurting him or anything like that. Just a surprise.

"Sorry, dude," he apologizes. "Stuff been jumpy for ya?"


bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 05:41:47 UTC
♫ "--the law's patrollin'--"

Bumblebee shrugged, rolling his shoulders as he relaxes, leaning against the wall, cocking his head to one side to examine Soundwave.

"You come here often?" An amused, wheezy, laugh followed.


inferiordude September 17 2009, 05:44:05 UTC
Got it. Bumblebee's been busy, understandably. Bot's probably been running himself hard, too. First Sam, now this job.

Soundwave leans against the wall next to Bumblebee, lowering his helm.

"Not at this time of night, dude," he muses. "Was jus' thinkin' of you. Wanted to see how you were doin'."


bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 06:12:53 UTC
Bumblebee nods at Soundwave, patting him on the shoulder in understanding. It's nice to see his friend, even if he's technically supposed to be at work.

♫ "Good to see you
Good to see you again
Good to see your face again
Good to see you--"

♫ "Were you thinking of me?" He glances at the other, one shoulder coming up in a shrug.


inferiordude September 17 2009, 06:18:13 UTC
The communications expert slowly sits down onto the ground, nodding a bit. Then, he looks up at Bee, motioning for him to come sit down as well.

"Yeah, well." There's a small laugh, a little forced. "Stuff's been hectic, y'know? Bad vibes all around, my mech. Needed a good face t'see."


bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 06:20:31 UTC
Bumblebee glances around to insure that no supervisors are going to jump out of a nearby trash can and then sits next to Soundwave, looking the other mech over.

♫ "And then I saw her face
Now I'm a believer
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind--" He cocks his head to the side in a silent question again, amused.


inferiordude September 17 2009, 06:24:49 UTC
What a song to pick. It takes a bit of willpower to not facepalm a little. Not because he dislikes the song, but rather. Having examination at his own feelings makes this a little more awkward.

Maybe it's better to say nothing at all and keep things the way they are. Being selfish is not a trend of his, and he doesn't want to start.

He rolls his shoulders a bit and just. Decides to pull Bumblebee close, hugging him. It's been way too weird to be gone without some kind of good physical contact.

"Dude, even without yer voice, you got a way with words." He taps his own voice box. "When's that gettin' repaired, anyhow?"


bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 06:27:19 UTC
Bumblebee is taken a bit by surprise by the hug, but returns it. It's been too long since he's actually seen his friend, anyway. Nice to have that, after all the running around and yelling and such today. He sighed quietly at the question and shrugged.

♫ "Nobody knows--"


inferiordude September 17 2009, 06:29:34 UTC
Soundwave sort of knows how that's like. For him, it's a bit more complicated. More due to lack of parts and time than anything else. But here?

"Not even Ratchet knows?" he asks, concerned.

Quietly, he's annoyed. He's sure Starscream would have known, if he was still here.


bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 06:31:30 UTC
Bumblebee shrugs helplessly. It's not like the medic hasn't tried. It's just a difficult fix!

"He's a busy man--"


inferiordude September 17 2009, 06:43:54 UTC
Right. Yeah. He can't really blame anyone about it. Honestly, it's just high strung emotions for him. He knows he gets too emotional or worked up over things -- fairly easily as well.

"Yeah. Like, I guess so."

Soundwave presses the front of his helm lightly against Bumblebee's shoulder. He almost dares himself to say something, or at least admit his quieter ulterior motive for being here.

But the bearings for that is gone just as quickly as he considers it. Soundwave shakes his head to himself.

Nah. No. Just. No need to be a bigger pain in the skidplate.


bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 06:46:33 UTC
Bumblebee sighs and leans over, resting his head against Soundwave's, staring at the opposite wall of the alley. He was tired and wanted to go home, but he had a job to do...plus, Soundwave was out here risking getting tossed in the clink just to see him, so he should be friendly. Not that that was hard, of course.

♫ " I wanna know what's on your mind--" Another quiet burst of music.


inferiordude September 17 2009, 06:50:37 UTC
Nuts and bolts, he feels like that's not the thing Bumblebee wants to know about. But doesn't want be dishonest with him. He likes being truthful, no secrets but he has secrets anyway because he's dumb and afraid of being scorned.

"Jus', uh. Thinkin'. Of stuff. Y'know. 'Cuz things happened."

Smelt he's the worst liar.

"It ain't important..."


bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 06:59:59 UTC
Lies. You fail at them, Soundwave. Bumblebee gives the other a rough elbow in the side and looks at him pointedly as if to say 'Nice try.' He crosses his arm and raises an optic ridge, waiting.


inferiordude September 17 2009, 07:06:29 UTC
There's a small flinch at the shove, then he holds up his hands, as if to say 'fine, fine; you win'.

"Well, uh. Look. I'm..." Times like these, honestly. It's probably easier that he doesn't have a mouth, else he'd be stammering way more. "I'm gonna, like. I dunno... I'm gonna tell ya. And you don't gotta do anything about it, dude. That cool with you?"


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