Zombies in the market with Diii-naaah

Sep 02, 2009 23:59

Who: Putress, OPEN
What: Our favorite zombie is out... shopping. Yes, shopping. Do you have a problem with that? I thought not.
Where: Zone 2, in the 'exotic imports' section of the shopping district
Warnings: Contains Putress. Put your food down now.

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Nauseatingly pure and sterile, were Putress were still capable of nausea. He stalked through the streets, steadfastly ignoring the various horrified beings he left in his wake, some coughing and almost all leaving a clear, uncrowded area around him. He yearned to see the entire zone put to the torch and the blight, its buildings rusted and corroded, the skeletons and outer shells of its inhabitants rotting, rusting in the streets with no one left alive to bury them....

Despite his dark thoughts, Putress kept his focus on the shops and vendors around him. He had heard a rumor that someone may have imported plant life from Azeroth or Draenor, and if so, he fully intended to find them. He was going through potions quicker than he'd like, and lacked the materials to keep producing them indefinitely. Particularly if they worked on these 'Cybertronians' and similar beings...

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