Forget Me Not

Sep 02, 2009 21:15

WHO: Barricade, Frenzy
WHAT: Now that Little Buddy is in the city, the fun can begin...or something.
WHERE: The Heap
NOTES: Backdated to Frenzy's arrival at the Nexus.

Now in living color! )

† transformers: 2007 movie | barricade, † transformers: 2007 movie | frenzy

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PILE OF KNIVES ATTACKS SWIFTLY oh_sh_t September 3 2009, 04:32:06 UTC
Frenzy had been busying himself with the network, determined to scrounge every bit of detail about this strange little universe he could find and thensome. The force behind Nexus seemed quite careful with information they released as well as kept tightly classified.

But backlogging on any available old communications, Frenzy stumbled on messages Barricade had left him upon his first transmission. And just when he thought he'd never see that mech again after being sucked into this madhouse. But at the same time, it only made Frenzy's life more interesting and a little less, well, lonely? For lack of a better word, he supposed.

And speak of the devil! Frenzy had picked up Barricade's energy signal soon enough. Excitement rushed through his twitchy chassis and abandoning his makeshift laptop, he scuttled and scampered across the garbage and piles of junk until he sought out his old companion. Frenzy would be beaming if his faceplates were capable of such and he really couldn't help it, that bundle of energy and before Frenzy really knew what he was doing, he had squatted, pounced and landed on Barricade's windshield like a bug, cackling all the while.


OSHI- reallybadcop September 3 2009, 04:46:54 UTC
His sensors suggested that Frenzy wasn't too far, and Barricade was preparing to send out a radio to 'ping' his location when Frenzy abruptly revealed himself.

To his windshield.

Barricade snarled, immediately transforming and making to respond to the assault in kind...which was mostly clawing and/or grabbing at the deceptively frail form.

(By the time he had finished the transformation sequence, he had, of course, recognized the being as Frenzy. That didn't make him slow in the slightest - he still fully intended to grab him and throw him off.)


%D oh_sh_t September 3 2009, 04:56:07 UTC
Frenzy skittered about during transformation, moving when necessary, before planting himself on Barricade's grill-chest, hanging there like a little parasite. His legs swung freely below him as he exclaimed in Cybertronian, "You're still just as ugly and old as you were the last time I saw you!" His long sharp claws dug into the headlight's glass with small ear tormenting squeeeeaks, arms spreading to hug him.


oh you <3 reallybadcop September 3 2009, 05:00:47 UTC
It was Frenzy all right. Barricade growled low in his vocalizer, looking down at the clinging mech with an expression that was anything but amused. "Last time I saw /you/, you'd gotten rid of half your body, trinket. Feel the need to become a bigger target?"

The pain was nothing; he smirked, moving a hand not to remove Frenzy but to offer support against his frame. Whether it was an actual hug or not was up to debate.

"Having fun?"


NOW WITH MORE COHERENCY oh_sh_t September 3 2009, 05:10:50 UTC
Frenzy's little legs scraped along the palm before he settled, falling over with a plop and lounging back. "You wouldn't hurt my handsome faceplates," he sneered, legs crossing and arms folding under his head. Ah, yeah. "So," Frenzy paused to examine his claws in a mock human gesture, "what's the lowdown? The network is interesting enough, but this city--is it all this *pretty*?"


YOU'RE FRENZY YOU'RE ALLOWED TO BE SILLY reallybadcop September 3 2009, 05:11:23 UTC
"You've downloaded too many human files - you're starting to use their standards of beauty."" Nevermind the fact that Frenzy had downloaded most of those files into him.

Barricade poked him lightly with a claw of his free hand. "It will be faster to show you rather than explain it out loud." A small port opened on the wrist of the hand Frenzy rested on, a clear offer for a data connection. "They clean most of the bodies the higher up you go."


... HELL YEAH CAN I USE THIS IRL? oh_sh_t September 3 2009, 05:20:55 UTC
"Nothing much useful here anyway. All ready looked,," Frenzy replied. He perked up in a bolt, clicking claws together excitedly. "Feast feast feast feast!" he laughed and scampered like some hyped up spider on cocaine up and back down 'Cade's arm, until he attached himself securely to his wrist. It wasn't long before connection was made, Frenzy working his circuits into the exposed database.

It was so like a rush and Frenzy shook with glee at all he absorbed. There was a good deal of information about Nexus in this well of knowledge, but it simply wasn't enough. Digging deeper like some needle, Frenzy went to search out more and more gathered information, refusing to stop even though he was pretty sure he'd get reprimanded (painfully) for it.


SURE WHY NOT \o/ reallybadcop September 3 2009, 05:26:34 UTC
Barricade flexed his claws, growling softly as the connection opened - and just as Frenzy delved into the files he had pulled up front, sent a probe into Frenzy's own database, searching for recent memories. Was he brought from the Dam, just before his death? Had he somehow survived, been regenerated as Megatron?

Under the first 'layer' of files was another set; once Frenzy got the hard data of what he had on the Nexus, including figures deemed as important (Magnum for one), there was what he had learned of their 'stream'. Lord Megatron's revival. The Fallen, real - and killed by Optimus Prime, who had been here but had been deported, apparently, for the crime of being a Prime. A few other treads, that began to link towards a file he was not willing to share with even Frenzy himself.

He growled again, giving a 'warning' swat. Only in that it would be enough to knock Frenzy off his hand and onto the ground, rather than bodylengths away.



work will be much funner now oh_sh_t September 3 2009, 05:50:01 UTC
Oh, that was certainly interesting. How he wished he had gotten to meet the Fallen before his shameful demise.

In return, Barricade would be welcome to an explanation he sought. Frenzy had just finished freeing Megatron from the cryo-chambers as soon as the Allspark gave him his new body; next on the agenda was to to hunt down those straggler humans. The Witwicky boy and that damn female who had beheaded him. Oh ho, he'd enjoy killing them all slowly.

And then that never happened and paperwork and fritzing and yelling and shouting demands later turned him up here where he was now. Frenzy was thrown temporarily off balance from the blow, and nearly ripped the connection to a static halt. However, it had been enough to knock him out of his feeding, well, frenzy and finally pull back. Damn if Frenzy didn't near overload from all that pleasure hacking.

"So guarded. You know I wouldn't do anything bad to your databanks," Frenzy sneered, cutting his own portal of connection. "But what you've provided will suffice. I will keep this Magnum in mind. But if you're sure there's not more you wish to share with your old symbiote partner... Get what you needed, hmm?"


that is good i need to bring more toys to work reallybadcop September 3 2009, 05:56:41 UTC
"The day I let you have full reign in my systems is the day I repaint myself yellow and start calling myself Bumblebee." As soon as the physical connection broke, Barricade closed the port, giving Frenzy a look.

(He admitted to himself that Frenzy would find out sooner or later if he didn't tell him directly. He would think on this.)

"My questions have been answered." Perhaps some of Frenzy's own as well. "Do you still have any?"


I have none to bring--maybe my work will bring my TF party favors again oh_sh_t September 3 2009, 06:04:36 UTC
Frenzy sunk make and would purse his lips--again, if possible. "Oh, that look always makes you look uglier," he joked. Frenzy scampered back up and onto his partner's shoulder. "Loads. None that you can provide, however." He decided to leave out the "willingly." But he did poke his tiny claw into the side of Barricade's head for emphasis. "This world--you work, you get credits, war, Primes and Megatrons forbidden--how dull. Not that I mind the lack of Primes, heh. Officials of this place trying to reprogram us into drones? Is this their goal?" he scowled sarcastically. "What do *you* do? What *have* you been doing outside all this mumbo jumbo?"


reallybadcop September 3 2009, 06:09:59 UTC
"Hn." Barricade lowered his hand, tilting his head away from Frenzy at the poke. "There's still at least two Primes here. One..."

Was incredibly disturbing.

" more like Lord Megatron. The other, as the one we know. And I have no idea what they seek to accomplish, only that I exist for no one's entertainment." The TransTechs would no doubt disagree, but slag them. They'd be out of this soon enough.

As he spoke, he moved over to a heap that would provide some cover. No hurry to get Frenzy back to the apartment, at least. "Magnum introduced me to some fighting rings. Other than that, I run patrols."


oh_sh_t September 3 2009, 06:16:21 UTC
"Megatron Prime. That rolls off the glossa nicely," Frenzy cackled. "I'd like to meet him one day. Laugh or shake his hand." He started moving up on top of Barricade's head, laying out on his belly with limbs strewn around its base, attaching claws at the corners of Barricade's optics. "Fighting rings, you say? Maybe I should join!" Of course that was said mostly jokingly. "Run patrols for Lord Megatron? Seeking enemies? Studying their movements strategically? Or cruise for doughnuts and beat up innocent bystanders who casually litter?" Hey that's what he gathered from some human source.


reallybadcop September 3 2009, 06:20:30 UTC
Frenzy was so very, very lucky that Barricade tolerated him. Still, he growled, reaching up to swat - not quite as hard - at the claws by his optics. "Gathering information, what do you think? Doing more than -you- usually do, at least. I have most of this cursed city mapped out by now.

"And you can't fight. You'd be eaten the moment you set foot in the ring. Have you seen those with the /organic/ alt-modes? Disgusting."


oh_sh_t September 3 2009, 06:28:25 UTC
Frenzy mechanically swept away from the warning, now working his way down to the other shoulder, mounting a tire. He swung his legs over the sphere, folding them, and sitting back comfortably again. "Oh, you know my size should never be--they let *organics* fight? Even techno-organics like the ones I saw--why are *they* here? What purpose do they serve besides running around like headless drones?" He shuddered; well, more.

"You wouldn't last a klik doing what I do. Your circuits would fry. Heh heh, but you seem to enjoy what I've programed into you all ready." He reached one spindly arm out to pinch a facial plate much like a cheek. "Aren't you glad we're a team again? No more being all by your lonesome!!"


reallybadcop September 3 2009, 06:33:35 UTC
"They let them fight," Barricade confirmed, following Frenzy with his gaze as best he could. "And fodder, perhaps?" He shrugged. "It matters little, so long as they stay out of my way."

And they each had their own functions. Barricade just preferred his over Frenzy's, but moreso - he approved of how they combined theirs into something greater. Still, he gave another growl and halfhearted swat. "No more peace and quiet, you mean. I was just starting to get used to a full recharge cycle..."


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