Interrogation, Revelation, Relations [CLOSED]

Aug 23, 2009 20:17

Who: Glit and IDW Megatron
What: A bit of repairwork and a bit of conversation.
Where: Megatron's apartment.
When: Backdated a little bit, to after Megatron and SG Prime's meetup.

Glit, having retreated back to his 'quarters' - aka the ambulance he's been assigned to as an EMT - was quite cheerfully categorizing the various items he'd filched from that Autobot medic prior to adding them to his own supplies. Repairing Rodimus had been quite an experience - something was very odd about those systems of his; Glit had gotten a nasty zap or two for his troubles during the repairs - and the cassette was convinced that his rewards were well-earned. Anyway, it wasn't like they wouldn't go to a good home.

Megatron sat in the recharge bay in his appartment... thinking. There was... more than enough to think about. More than enough to want to think about, and still so much to do even when he had finished thinking.

--Glit,-- he commed, not particularly willing to admit that he needed these repairs but knowing it should be taken care of sooner rather than later, to avoid...complications.

Not that complications weren't already present... it... had been a foolish idea to stay after the battle, the same time...he'd needed the distraction. This world, if nothing else, had supplied him with suitable allies with which to orchestrate its downfall...

Not the least of which was the small feline he called for, now. --...these coordinates,-- he sent, knowing that by now explaining the why didn't matter much. Glit would either ask, or find out when he arrived.

::Coming, lord,:: Glit responded immediately, as usual. Quickly, he stuffed his newfound supplies under the passenger seat of the ambulance - his makeshift berth - and darted for the exit. Lord Megatron hadn't sounded as though it were terribly urgent, but Glit was nothing if not prompt.

Megatron nodded to his empty room, and sat back to wait, plugged in to start re-collecting energy that he'd lost. Quietly, he perused the recent network chatter, amused to see that the human female still had not been found and briefly entertaining the thought of 'helping out.' It was quickly dismissed, and so he settled, doing his best to ignore the dull remnants of the pain, hitting the button to unlock his appartment for when the other came. --Good,-- was all he said.

Glit slunk in with his usual quietness, optics and audios pricked to assess the situation. "Lord Megatron," he murmured, tail lifting a little as he trotted swiftly towards the Decepticon leader. It was hardly that he enjoyed it when Megatron was injured, but the honor of being chosen to repair him wasn't something that readily wore off.

Megatron watched Glit slink in, pleased by the consistent swiftness of his arrival--glad to have at least ONE constant in this Nexus of unpredictability. That was..too mathy of a thought for his liking, however, and so as he pushed the button to close and lock the door behind the medic he frowned. "...have not been hearing much of you lately, Glit. And what I have been hearing has been...interesting." He remained seated, unmoving, to allow the feline to assess him and begin work.

Glit froze, one paw mid-air, his expression of shock almost comedic, if not for the very real fear behind it. "...lord?" he asked, slowly sinking down almost onto his belly as he crept closer.

"Returning an Autobot back to his base?" Megatron questioned, watching Glit slink towards him. This information could prove very...useful, and he intended to find out more about what Glit had been up to. "...repairing him?"

Glit's belly almost scrapes the ground as he stops at Megatron's feet. "...I... had believed it was your will to focus on the Transtechs as our enemies, lord, rather than the Autobots..."

"....enemies?" He blinked, having to backtrack his thoughts to understand what Glit was saying...before he simply laughed. "....and the Autobots...they just let you into their base, did they?"

"...yes, lord..." Glit tilted his head fractionally, daring a glance upwards.

" they trust you?" He let his optics flicker, once, raising an optic ridge.

"...I wouldn't go that far yet, lord, but if it's your will..." Glit answered cautiously, lifting his head a tiny fraction. He had an idea of where this was going - a line of justifications he's used before, as it happened, He might be able to live; this Megatron was not so hot-tempered as his own...

"...tell me what happened, precisely, and we shall go from there." He smirked, a little, offering Glit a hand up so that the feline could begin repairs that he found himself a bit impatient for.

The cassette cringed from the outstretched hand without even thinking.

Megatron paused...not having expected this reaction from Glit and rather... confused by it. Raising an optic ridge, he lowered the hand the rest of the way, picking up the 'cat' by the 'scruff' of his neck, and raising him up to eye level. "Glit. You're behaving...suspiciously, Glit."

Glit went limp, half-squeezing his optics shut. Never mind, this wasn't going to go well. "...lord?"

"....Tell. Me. What. Happened. You rescued 'Rod,' yes? And then what?" Glit seemed to be acting like he was about to be dismantled, which had been far from Megatron's mind but which he was now considering for the frustration it now caused trying to talk to the other. His arm and foot were aching, still, which helped matters not in the slightest, either. "...who did you talk to? Why did their medic not attend to him?"

"---their medic was offline, I spoke to their weapons officer, the black one, and to Rod when he regained consciousness--" the cassette rattled off, clearly expecting to be interrupted at any point with some sort of blow. "Medic, too, when he woke back up..."

"Their weapons officer..." He ran the data through his processors, matching it to what he knew. "...Ironhide. Rod. And Ratchet." He considers, for a long moment...letting Glit dangle there while he is thinking. "....why....did you want to help them, Glit?"

Glit squeezed his optics shut the rest of the way. "S - strategic advantage, lord - gain their confidence, make them less liable to attack me... Wasted materials got replaced with their medic's..."

"...they replaced your materials?" Both optic ridges raised.

Glit giggled, only a little hysterically. "They didn't notice what I took until I was gone, lord..."

Megatron... couldn't help but grin a little, at that. " what were the coordinates?" He set down the medic, all but placing his injured hand beneath Glit's nose in a very definite 'fix this-now' sort of way.

Glit made a little noise, optics opening wide again in response to the strong scent of energon. His body moving almost before his processor was finished registering the smell, the medic sat back on his hind legs and took Megatron's hand into his paws to fix it. His touch was, if Megatron cared to pay attention, softer than normal - almost hesitant to make any contact with the future warlord at all. No less swift for all that, at least.

He gave the coordinates quietly, glancing up at Megatron before swiftly turning his gaze back to his work.

Megatron relaxed slightly, now that the work has actually begun, noticing how much more tentative Glit has become. "...were you in the habit of fixing autobots back in your world, Glit?"

"...sometimes... it made them less likely to shoot at me, lord," Glit almost whispered, flinching in anticipation but somehow keeping his paws absolutely steady.

"...and what did your Megatron think about this?" His voice softened, a little... catching that flinch once more and... wondering, about it.

Glit did his best to maintain the correct angle for his work while crouching belly-down on the floor and ducking his head. "...not pleased..."

" that why you keep flinching, Glit?" As if in illustration, he reached towards the feline with his other hand.

And Glit winced back from it just as automatically. "...lord?" He sounded honestly confused.

And... Megatron... just sets the hand lightly down on top of Glit, instead. "...what are you afraid I'm going to do, Glit?"

"I don't understand..." the cassette said plaintively, hunkering down under Megatron's hand.

The hand rested there, not doing anything in particular at all. "..." He watched the other... quietly... observing, before he simply shook his head. "Just... finish your work, Glit. You haven't done anything wrong."

"...yes, lord..." Cautiously, Glit raised his head, nimble paws once again darting to work. His optics were wide, though, and he kept glancing back up at Megatron as though for approval.

Megatron said nothing more, watching Glit as he worked... though after a while he shifted his hand to scratch the cat behind the ears. "You've repaired me several times now, Glit. Perhaps I should just keep you around for when I come back from the arena."

Glit made a little startled sound at the contact, but apparently the quiet span of work had recomposed him enough that he didn't recoil. He might actually have begun to believe he really wasn't in trouble. " would be an honor, lord."

"So stay, then." His hand lifted, and returned to his side, going quiet as the repairs continued. He had... a lot of work to do, and having easy access to a medic would come in very handy in the future.

† kiss players | glit, transformers: idw | megatron

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