Arrival To Not-Earth

Jul 30, 2009 01:10

Who: Vash the Stampede and OPEN~!
What:  Vash's arrival to the Nexus.
When: Pretty much right after the poor sod showed up.
Where: Zone 1

This city was wrong. Everything shone-every surface metallic, nothing familiar. The dusty, sand-colored walls were gone. Even the sand itself had disappeared. From his hiding place, sandwiched between two large buildings, he couldn't even see any people. All life seemed to consist of the towering, and therefore terrifying, offshoots of Lost Technology running around. Most looked like they carried weapons. He could have sworn one tried to run him over at least once. And when one was leaking vital bodily fluid, running as fast as one could away from a terrifying vehicle the likes of which one had never seen before... suddenly became one of the worst ideas one had ever had.

Hence the hiding spot. Even if it wasn't the best he could have come up with at the time. There had been no convenient trash can, and he was honestly afraid the dumpsters would spring to life and eat him. Which left one option, and that was cowering between buildings and hoping the Lost Tech Men, as he was taking to calling them, just didn't look too far down.

Sure, there had been paperwork, and long lines. Then, he'd focused completely on keeping his head down, hiding his injuries, and getting out of there before anyone decided he looked good to step on. When his turn had come, he'd managed to keep his shrieking panic on the lowest level possible, but the weird thing they'd popped into his skin had sent him over the edge, sprinting out of there as fast as he possibly could.

“Today's just getting better and better...” Vash whined, and promptly curled up into a red-coated ball of misery. Too afraid to call for help, should the Gung-Ho-Guns be here too, and in little shape to do anything on his own... he had very few options left. The best one involved himself simply sitting still, and hoping a better one would present itself.

† trigun | vash the stampede

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