Jul 27, 2009 14:40

Who: Closed to IDW!Megatron, Movie!Blackout, (and if you want to drop in Movie!Barricade you are welcome to, for obvious reasons.)
What: Some getting to know you.
When: After Gladiator Log
Where: Meg's place.

Megatron had taken care of megacycles worth of business that night, and he was more than ready to return somewhere quiet so that he could sort the information that he'd learned. There was, now, so much more to be considering, and the path that he was trying to build to reach his goal was much wilder and more unbroken than he'd first projected it to be.

They weren't ready to move, yet...

...but at least he had a start.

There had been other new developments as well that all pleased Megatron, and as he tracked down to the med-bay he thought more on this 'Blackout' who had so recently arrived. Tyrans sparked an almost morbid fascination in him, and Barricade's minimalistic approach to conversation had left many, many questions waiting to be answered. Perhaps, now, he would have the opportunity for discussion that he craved.

Leaning on the door almost casually, he left enough room for the med-bots to slip in and out as they were liable to do, perusing the interior with his optics until he found who he was looking for. Blackout's first fight had been a good one; he was suitably impressed.

" seem as patched up as they're going to make you." He finally observed, leaving the obvious indication that he was ready to depart hanging in the air. "Shall we?"


† transformers: 2007 movie | blackout/sc, transformers: idw | megatron

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