(no subject)

Jul 03, 2009 00:12

Who: Barricade, Movie!Prime
What: Optimus Prime is not happy Barricade went ahead and harassed Sam after he was warned not to.
Where: Zone 6
When: After this (Barricade scaring the slag out of Sam) and this (Decepticon meeting).
Status: Complete

freedomisaright Optimus Prime is on the hunt. He warned the Decepticon about what he would do if he tried to harm the boy. Barricade has been given a chance. Then again, this isn't his world and he doesn't want to bring war to this place. It's what Cybertron should've been. It's what Cybertron was like before the war. He won't willingly bring that destruction here. As it is, the big red and blue truck is slowly cruising Zone Six, watching, and waiting.

reallybadcop This place is far from what Barricade's used to, but as with any unknown territory, he's doing one of the things he's best at...gathering information. And since this place seems one of the 'safer' ones (relatively speaking; the higher up, the more security seems to be present, the further down...well, even Barricade has standards), he's doing the best he can to memorize these levels. One has to start somewhere, after all.

The Mustang patrols the streets slowly, though he slows to a halt when red and blue is sighted up ahead. Is that-he checks his scanners.


Frag. He immediately rolls backwards into an alley, hoping he wasn't spotted.

freedomisaright The truck suddenly accelerates as Optimus picks up that blip on his sensors and homes in it, the massive vehicle shifting as it moves forward and then Optimus Prime is in mid-stride, leaping a smaller bot and leaving bystanders scattering in his wake (for which he's sorry, but he needs to move quickly).

"Not quite fast enough, Barricade."

reallybadcop Far be it from Barricade to simply wait for the Prime to catch up. Smoke screams from his wheels as he makes a 180 degree turn (which is damnably tight, in this alley; he scrapes the walls as he does so) before taking off.

No witty responses. No, he's just going to be driving now, very fast, and ideally very far away from the Prime.

freedomisaright Alright, back to wheels it is then. Optimus' truck farm screeches down the alleyway, battering debris and trash out of his way like so many Decepticons bowling pins. He doesn't quite have the acceleration of Barricade, nor the manuverability. But he does have raw engine power.

reallybadcop Maneuverability is Barricade's ally, here - along with his size. The alleyways here are long, narrow, and with sharp turns, all of which are aspects that Barricade makes full use of as he tried to lose the Prime in them. A left turn, another left, a corner that he had to transform to accomplish-

And abruptly, just as he turned another corner, he finds himself at a dead end. Swearing aloud, Barricade spins around, hoping to retrace his steps to another turn before the Prime caught up.

freedomisaright Prime had fallen behind - he had to slow down to take the same corners Barricade was taking so easily - and for a moment, he was sure he was going to lose the Decepticon. Then he comes around one last corner, transforming as he does to avoid smashing into a wall and finds himself facing the smaller bot in a dead end alley.

"Looks like the end of the road, Barricade."

reallybadcop To say that Barricade's surprised is an understatement; the Prime couldn't possibly have kept that close to him, no, that's impossible! Still in robot mode, he takes a step back, obviously ill at ease...

Perhaps...perhaps if he can get around the Prime he can get out, but he can't do so without getting some hits. Not in these close quarters. No, these are not good odds, he does not like them and he is in trouble, deep trouble.

A snarl is the only reply he offers the Autobot, crouching into a defensive posture as he flexes his claws. He's not going down without a fight!

freedomisaright Prime falls into a combat crouch, blue optics burning into Barricade with a cold fury, "I warned you to stay away from the boy, Barricade."

That's all he really has to say and he begins to forward warily, a faint 'shnnnk' filling the alleyway as his right armblade slides out.

reallybadcop "Notice he's still alive. And not because of his guardian." Admitting mercy? Hardly. Barricade just hadn't wanted to kill him there. No, the death he had planned for Samuel Witwicky was long, painful, and involved Bumblebee...

Both of Barricade's hands switched out into their gyro-flail mode, and without waiting for response, he slams one forwards - not at Prime, but at the ground just before him. A warning? Maybe. But a cornered Decepticon is twice as dangerous as one with a way out.

freedomisaright "Admitting mercy, Barricade? I didn't think you had it in you."

Yeah, Prime just sort of taunted him. A bit. Maybe. He edges forward again, optics narrowed, "I'll say this, though: I'm not eager to bring our war to this world. Why are you?"

reallybadcop "You don't think much at all." Another snap of a flail, the opposite one this time as Barricade pulls the first back. "The war was all you left us with, Prime - those that you haven't killed yet, at least!"

Bitter? Oh yes. Very much so. Bitter and angry and do not take one step closer to him or you will regret it.

freedomisaright "I didn't ask for this war. Megatron was the one who brought it on us. Him and his followers." And Optimus sounds pretty damn convinced here. He takes that step, blue optics still trying to bore a hole in Barricade.

reallybadcop You really shouldn't have done that, Prime, because now you have a flail coming for your head.

"You're a traitor to your own kind for stopping us from our DESTINY!"

freedomisaright Optimus whips his head back and brings his hand up in an effort to catch the flail and tug Barricade off balance, "I would rather be a traitor then allow Megatron to dominate the galaxy!"

reallybadcop See, this is why Barricade has TWO flails! Rather than just be taken off balance, he can move with the pull and throw the other one at you. "You would doom us all!" he all but shrieks.

freedomisaright Prime attempts to parry with his glowing sword of pain and takes a step back, trying to tug Barricade with him, "I would save the other sentient races of the galaxy."

reallybadcop Right, sword is something to best avoided. Barricade stumbles slightly in an attempt to keep as far away from it as possible, pulling as hard as he can on his captive flail as he pulls the other back into a hand.

"At the expense of your own!"

A panel on his hood raises, and - here. Have a close-quarters missile. Parry THAT!

freedomisaright Prime stumbles back form the impact of the missiles. Paint and armor buckle and he shakes his head, recovering from the blow. Time to play for keeps. He jumps forward, tying to sieze the smaller Cybertonian, "If that is the price to pay, then I will pay it. If only I had to die to save them, then I would gladly let it be so!"

reallybadcop A hit is good!...being still 'leashed' by his own gyro-flail, not so much. The Decepticon all but throws himself backwards to avoid getting pinned, knowing full well that if he's caught he's as good as dead. "If only killing you was that easy," he hisses, reloading the launcher and trying to get a swipe in with his claw.

freedomisaright Enough of this. Prime simply trys to flip Barricade over by his flail, with a menacing growl, "It never has been and never will be."

reallybadcop Oh frag-Barricade snarls in a mixture of surprise and rage as he's thrown into midair, then against the ground with a heavy WHUD of metal meeting metal.

If he can't get himself free, it didn't matter if he was caught, he was dead either way. With the speed that comes from desperation, Barricade makes to slice off the chain that held the flail to him. It was a small enough loss in exchange for his life...!

freedomisaright Optimus simply releases the flail a moment later with a growl, "I'll let you live. This isn't our planet and they don't deserve our war. Just remember - don't touch the boy."

reallybadcop -perhaps that hit struck his audials harder than he thought. Barricade just thought he heard Optimus saying he'd let him live...

...but he's released, and he's not one to pass up this chance. Especially as now it's Optimus close to the wall, and him with a way out. In seconds, Barricade's transformed again, and - despite the damage to wheels, rims, and chassis - is rapidly heading back into the maze of alleyways.

And this time, he's going to make sure he's not going to get trapped again.

freedomisaright Prime watches him go and sighs. He hopes he hasn't made a mistake...

† transformers: 2007 movie | barricade, transformers: 2007 movie | optimus prime

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