Bored. Bored. Still bored.

Jul 21, 2009 10:54

Who: Sarah Lennox, SG!Rodimus, Movie!Ratchet, Movie!Ironhide
What: Talking, ceiling tile counting, gratuitous use of the ">:|" expression, booze.
Where: The Tyran Household
Summary: Ironhide is still laid up, visitors show up to help with this... or tie him down.
Notes: In-progress

So many tiles... )

† shattered glass | rodimus, transformers: 2007 movie | ironhide, † transformers: 2007 movie | sarah lenno, transformers: 2007 movie | ratchet

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evilmoustache July 21 2009, 19:31:16 UTC
Rodimus was tired of waiting for people to come to him. Ironhide was laid up, recouperating after a battle with Prime (something Rodimus could sympathise with) and was obviously bored.

What was a bot to do but offer to drop by and be company, especially company with 'booze'?

After explaining his 'mission' to the human who answered the door, Rodimus made his way to the still-prone Autobot.
"Figure you could use a distraction from bein inoperative. I brought high-grade."


show_my_cannons July 21 2009, 19:39:43 UTC
Looked like his day was getting better. Even if the bearer of said high-grade still had that... thing... on his face. At least he was recognizable, even to the half-blind. And booze was always welcome. No one had said he couldn't have it, after all.

"You do not have any idea how much I need one," he said, still propped up on an elbow. "Good to see you... thing on your face and all."


evilmoustache July 21 2009, 19:46:21 UTC
Rod shrugged. "I been laid up before, know how slaggin boring it is." He handed over a can to Ironhide and leaned against the wall next to the other's berth, his own can in hand. "An stoppit with the 'stache. I'm gettin it gone tomorrow, an mebbie people will lighten up already."


show_my_cannons July 21 2009, 19:49:22 UTC
"And you know how irritating it is to be 'checked on' every few moments," he growled out, accepting the can. "They think I will fall apart entirely."

So that was what it was called. It sounded about as ridiculous as it looked. Ironhide couldn't help but laugh a bit, smirking for the first time in a while. "It is difficult," he said. "It's... just so easy a target."


evilmoustache July 21 2009, 19:53:43 UTC
"Well, usually it's more cause they don't exactly trust me to stay put after bein patched, so they check more to make sure I'm still in my berth, but 'sabout the same."
Rodimus tried to look petulant: It failed, miserably. "Whatever it is with this place, they sure gots a thing 'gainst a decent moustache. I think that's about what everybot's commented on."


show_my_cannons July 21 2009, 19:57:48 UTC
Another dry laugh. "That as well," he said. "Do they tie you down? Or am I the only one they visit that torture upon?"

It was hard to look at the other and not... well... laugh. It just looked so out of place. "Hard not to," Ironhide told him, maneuvering the can in one working hand. "Where I am from... that sort of thing does not exist."


evilmoustache July 21 2009, 20:04:12 UTC
Rod shuddered involuntarily, then offered a wry grin. "They're real good at knockin you out, tyin you down, and offlining your motors if you so much as whine. You ain't alone."

He stroked his 'stache for a moment and laughed. "I'm guessin that it ain't exactly normal, from the way everybot's been acting."


show_my_cannons July 21 2009, 20:10:39 UTC
"All three at once?" he asked, scoffing. "I would take it out of Ratchet's thick skull, should he make the attempt." Or... well... he'd threaten to, anyway.

He shook his head, finally taking the high-grade. "No, it isn't," he said, letting the stuff do its job. "Not in any of our universes, I understand."


evilmoustache July 21 2009, 20:17:38 UTC
"Speakin of 'verses, what's yours like?" Rod drank as well, and gestured to the 'base' around them. "Looks like you lucked out, since a buncha your crew's here."


show_my_cannons July 21 2009, 20:21:48 UTC
"Hn... complicated," he muttered. "And not. There still exists a war... we still battle against the Decepticon incursions... We follow Optimus..." A shrug of an uninjured shoulder. "And the humans work with us."

Lucky? He supposed so. "It only means there are fewer left behind to protect the planet," he said, scowling at the drink. "And those that remain... are no help at all."


evilmoustache July 21 2009, 20:28:19 UTC
"Humans weren't worth much in my verse. Good seein em here an bein useful." He pointedly took another drink. "Guess it's not so good if you're the last line. Know how that feels. Just hopin the bots I left behind are holdin their own back home." His voice was worried, and he stared moodily at the high grade rather than at Ironhide.


show_my_cannons July 21 2009, 20:33:54 UTC
"Most of the humans I know are capable of holding their own," he answered, drinking as well. "They took down one of Megatron's most capable warriors on their own..." He was still proud of the major for that little feat.

The working optic flicked down toward where Rod sat. "They are young, foolish and untried," he growled. One can wasn't enough for this kind of conversation. "Never should be left to their own devices... I should hope yours are more capable than that."


evilmoustache July 21 2009, 20:42:00 UTC
Well, that was a good line in. Rodimus had figured the older bot would be easy to place. Reminded him, obscenely, of Blurr. Grumpy and loyal and always knew best.


Rod tossed him another can, trusting the bot to catch it (instead of handing it to him like some invalid). "Our humans were too damn busy fightin each other to care much about any 'cons coming at em. Optimus' crew is better than that- but there ain't much of us left." He crushed his can flat and opened a second, sipping carefully. "The 'young, foolish, and untrained' got old and hard quick. Or we lost em. We lost a lot of good bots."

The best part was that he wasn't lying. It was just... letting the situation colour the truth.


show_my_cannons July 21 2009, 20:49:32 UTC
Good, Rod had brought more than one... he doubted he could have taken discussions of dead comrades while not under the influence. There were too many to name, too many to think about, and the most recent losses all too fresh. Even if... in one case, that loss hadn't been permanent.


Ironhide squared his shoulders, best he could, discarding the old can to match the younger 'Bot drink for drink. "The threat of hostiles from another world settled many scores amongst our humans," he said. "Like yours... our forces never outnumbered the Decepticons... never will." He was silent a moment. "It... does not always ensure survival. Being a veteran. Not against Megatron."


evilmoustache July 21 2009, 21:02:11 UTC
"Our humans were starting to mebbie get themselves together, but they got a while before they're much good against anythin." He shrugged again, letting quiet stretch between them.
"I don't think nothin gaurentees anythin, in war. But the kids who go off stupid without thinkin get themselves killed, an we lose another warrior. We've been lucky to keep as many as we got, but when we're fightin Megs....."

He didn't finish the sentance. He didn't need to.


show_my_cannons July 22 2009, 05:57:58 UTC
"Give them time," he muttered, eying the welded patch on his chest where Sarah Lennox had been prodding not too long ago. "They will surprise you..."

The quiet, he used to catch up on his drink. The meaning of the word "nurse" in relation to high-grade was not a part of his vocabulary. Especially... when there was talk like this. "When fighting Megatron," he finished for the other, sounding bitter and angry. "There are even fewer certainties."


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