Napoleon has nothing on me.

Oct 20, 2011 14:03

WHO: Megamind & YOU.
WHAT: Megamind has been working on this project for nearly a month -- almost since he got here. Now, it finally... flowers?
WHERE: Look Out Point
WHEN: Mid-Day.
WARNINGS/NOTES: None at this time... but damn, are there gonna be some pissed off robots in some places...

It was a calm day. There was a tremor of excitement in the air, however, that promised it wouldn't stay calm long.

The park that was Lookout Point has been obviously renewed over the last few weeks. Certain plant have been placed, while the stone paths have been replaced entirely in places. It's been laboriously recreated under the cover of night for the last month. Dirty manual labor done by a ton of little robots who were now busy making sure everything was perfect, swarming the park in droves, making sure there wasn't any hidden trash, wasn't any item out of place, making sure the benches, recently placed, would be perfect.

This used to be a Cybertronian sized park -- but no more. The small clearing that was once the 'point' has been resized, a fountain recreated, and set up for organics now, the smaller folk. Oh, in some places it keeps it's cybertronian grandeur -- near the crystal trees for example -- but the once sprawling park (small for a Cybertronian, grand for organics) now finds itself co-opted for both types of visitors.

There were tiny little devices upon the bare, recently tilled earth... just waiting, sleeping in the ground like hibernating beetles. The whole park, even in it's half-finished state is lined with larger versions of the little beetle-lights, but these glow dimly, instead of being seemingly inert.

A man stands at the edge of the fountain, which has been retiled in mosaic-- using the various colored stones, polished down and used to create an old-becomes-new affect. There's clean water in it, but so far none of it is running through the fountain itself. He's hard to mistake as anyone other than Megamind -- after all, there's few blue, bigheaded aliens running about the Nexus. He looks up at the placement of the rather Victorian looking tall lamps along the pathway.

He seems pleased with himself, or the place, despite that it's unfinished. He starts giving hand signals-- pointing to bots gesturing them into position near the glowing domes. Not far from him his flying is parked, and once he's got all the bots in place, he hops on the thing, and flies it up, up over the park. Somewhere, AC/DC starts to pour out of unseen speakers around the park; "Shoot to Thrill" is apparently the anthem of today's scene.

He speaks into his watch, "ACTIVATE THE SHIELDS!" And each one of those larger, glowing posts revs to life, energy lapping out from it till it stretches to the energy flowing off of the next post, creating a domed affect. One that's in place, he takes out a detonator.

It's very clearly a WEAPON OF MASS... enflowering? Because once he pushes the big red button on tpo of it, there is suddenly bursts of green. At each of the smaller 'beetle' like items planted in the bare earth, there erupts a terraforming affect --each covering a few square feet in a pulse of energy, rich and verdant, even as the brainbots begin to carefully scatter seeds where there were none. Plants that were already in place suddenly engage in a growth spurt, feeding off the terraforming energy and coming into fullness; bushes get bushier, flowers bloom, and that seed all takes hold; grass sprouts on hills, flowers find their way up from their beds, and the trees are doing better then they have in years. Even the strange, crystalline trees that were here before are now as hale and healthy as they ever could have been.

Megamind is very busy zipping about the place as it's doing so, cackling with glee -- fool enough to release the handlebars while he's in full -- okay, it's not technically a villain laugh, but it's certainly it's close cousin, the 'mad scientist sees his plan come to fruition' laugh. Now, he lands before the fountain; he points his finger, cocking his thumb back like a gun -- even as as AC/DC wails about 'pulling the trigger', he cocks and 'fires', and the fountain lights and water begins to flow on cue.

Unbelievably smug, the former supervillain turned superhero and, apparently, landscape artist, skips down the hill, cutting the sheilds and goes to meet his adoring public. HE didn't' invite the news -- and anyone else he could think of -- for nothing. The man THRIVES on spectacle, and there'll be SO many people who want to see the park and what he's made...

(Don't be afraid to mingle, thread hop, etc. Megamind will be around, but consider this a thread-happy event post/miniparty.)

megamind | megamind

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