Heaven is a girl that I've got to have

Oct 04, 2011 16:26

WHO: Megamind & Roxanne
WHERE: A nice little place up in Zone 1.
WHEN: Mid-Day.
WARNINGS/NOTES: None at this time.

And she makes me feel better when I'm feelin' bad. )

megamind | roxanne ritchi, megamind | megamind

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neveradamsel October 4 2011, 23:56:12 UTC
She'd gotten to a point where she was looking forward to those little text messages - when she was working and the stress had gotten to a point where she really, really wished that a dirigible and loud music would appear and sweep her away, that little blip on her phone was a welcome distraction. Roxanne nearly always responded to him right away, unless she was in some sort of meeting that didn't allow for cell phone usage, or on a scene, or something to that effect.

She hated to admit it, but she missed him.

And she had wondered if he was ever, ever going to ask her out after he'd picked up his things that day after his arrival.

He'd told her they were...something, when he was from back home but she kept getting the strange feeling he...didn't want to be, here. Then she got the feeling he did. She couldn't read him, not like she could before - it was a strange thing to not be able to predict him at all.

Frustrating, too.

But then he'd finally asked her to meet him here, weeks later, and she'd said yes of course and then here ( ... )


hvymetalheroics October 5 2011, 01:23:00 UTC
It is like someone just shone a SPOTLIGHT down on two people, because for Megamind, the world just did that slow movie fade out where there could be slathering zombies in the darkness and he wouldn't know nor give a damn, because --

Roxanne was there, and coming over like it was... totally normal. He got up, out of his chair.

"No. There were-- accidents. With the washer." There may have been text messages to that affect, as he contended with living at the hostel when he wasn't at the lair, and all that it entailed. "So it's-- special occasions only now. And work. Of course."

Being there wasn't work now, it was 100% pleasure.

He remembered to scoot out a chair for her because dammit he remembered and waited for hre to sit and then asked, "W--what'd you like? I'll go put our order in."

AND TRY AND THINK STRAIGHT. The mantra of Bernard could do it why can't you? is running in the back of his mind, but -- there were a lot of answers to that. Bernard was human and normal and didn't have years of history of being a screw up and he ( ... )


neveradamsel October 5 2011, 02:12:26 UTC
"I don't really think you're supposed to wash leather in a washing machine," she offered helpfully, smiling lightly as she took as seat in the chair that was offered for her. She remembered getting those texts - they hadn't been detailed, but they'd had enough information in them to cause her to hide a smile.

"Hmm...let me think a moment."

She hadn't been to this particular place yet, and she glanced quickly over the menu.

"Ooh, how about one of these caramel macchiatos. That sounds good."


hvymetalheroics October 5 2011, 08:16:08 UTC

So he goes to order that, something for himself, and two sweet buns because... frankly, it's a nice thing and he'd like a treat and it's best to share. That's how they work, right? She did so much on their trips together with Bernard, he supposes it's only right now he tries a little.

It does, however, take a minute for the woman to understand his pronunciations of macchiato, however. Small hitch, but eventually, she understands... once he points at the menu and glowers.

He brings a little tray back a few minutes later and sets everything where it should be and seats himself.

"...so, how's work?"



neveradamsel October 7 2011, 01:28:54 UTC
She waits for him to come back, idly fiddling with the menu that's still on the table. This is...strange, being out with him, but Roxanne finds that it's nice, too. Nicer than being with Bernard, maybe - though it's still too early to admit that audibly to him.

Maybe soon, though.

She moves her hands and drops them in her lap when she comes back, eyes lighting up a little when she sees the extra he's brought, a tiny smile spreading across her face as her eyes crinkle a little at the corners.

"Oh, it's pretty busy, actually - lots of stories lately, political strife in a few of the local bureaus, someone's robotic feline got stuck in a tree, employment issues, the ongoing racism from the TransTechs against the offworlders...same old."

She smiled, and reached for her cup.

"What about you? Keeping busy?"


hvymetalheroics October 7 2011, 02:40:21 UTC
"Oh yes. There's a lot I can be doing here," he says, before he takes a sip of his drink. "THere's so much wrong here, it's like once you hit a certain level they just stop caring ( ... )


neveradamsel October 12 2011, 01:05:41 UTC
"I'm pretty sure that is the case." Reports sometimes sent her down to certain levels - but nothing too far down that would be extremely dangerous for a human.

Of course, there were instances her bosses wanted her to go, mainly because there was a lot of questionable activities going on down there.

"Well, of course you can't go without a spider tank for much longer." Heaven forbid he not have that, she thought with the tiniest of smiles.


hvymetalheroics October 12 2011, 03:23:28 UTC
Megamind wants to say but why; but he knows the answer. People don't like what's different. They don't like the poor if they're rich, the brown if they're white, or -- whatever it is. It's simply human nature.... from his experience, at least.

"A spider tank is a very versatile piece of equipment," he points out, catching that smile of hers. "Really, all my evil things can be put to good uses. I just wish I'd been able to bring them."

Now he smirks slightly, using a fork to tear up the sticky bun. "I'll just cherish the fact that you don't know that I managed to impress you again." Ah well. Someday, maybe, she'll know.


neveradamsel October 16 2011, 16:57:40 UTC
"I imagine that it is." Roxanne could vouch for the usefulness of some of his inventions - ones that didn't involve flamethrowers and rotating boot wheels and sharp, pointed devices aimed at her head. There was practicality in a spider tank.

Of some degree, at least.

"It's a shame you weren't, though..."

She lifts a shoulder into a shrug. "I don't plan on being here forever, so I'm sort of glad my normal things aren't here. I applied for my Exit Visa, I'm just hoping it doesn't take years and years."

Though, she had to smile at that.

"Megamind - your inventions are always impressive on some level. Normal people don't have the capacity to create some of the things you do. It was just that they were always targeted in a destructive way." But now, he's trying to point them in a better direction, or so he claimed, and Roxanne felt comfortable admitting that to him.


hvymetalheroics October 16 2011, 20:39:59 UTC
She has a point; this isn't Metro City and -- it never will be. He misses all the places he had memories, all the things he was rebuilding. But at the same time-- he doesn't like the thought of her going back to go all through everything.

She almost got very hurt. Killed, maybe.

But then she has to go and compliment him and it sweeps the rest away. He looks pleased, though -- really, he's already pink-cheeked, who can tell if he's colored with blush at all?

"I'm trying to apply them in new, creative good ways," he says, though he has to stop himself from bragging his latest project. Man, it's so hard to keep a secret as big and FANTASTIC as this.

Especially for the one it's FOR.


neveradamsel October 16 2011, 23:02:55 UTC
The expression on his face - the smile and maybe blush - are worth their weight in gold. Who would have known that making him smile would be so...

Well. Worthwhile? It's not like she'd ever tried previously - they had their roles to stick to, and he'd been a criminal that had tried and...by all appearances had succeeded in killing the city's hero. Entering into any kind of relationship with him besides kidnapper and victim had not been on her agenda.

But things were different here. Felt different.

"Really? How is that going for you? Good?" She's hoping that means he's trying to build some kind of portal to get them out of this place - the Nexus is nice, but it's not Metro City.


hvymetalheroics October 17 2011, 03:43:04 UTC
"Very good!" he says, trying to dance around the subject of telling her what any of it is. "I've got some things close to completion, other things-- less close, and -- Some things still in the planning stages..."

See? So much to do, little information to offer about most of it.

"But I'm excited to see how it all works out in the end."

He tears up his bun some more, eating some more as he thinks on it for a moment.

"Is there anything interesting coming down the news pipe? Big projects, announcements?"


neveradamsel October 21 2011, 01:52:51 UTC
Roxanne has to smile. He's being...secretly evasive about something and the reporter in her desperately wants to press because she's good at getting him to confess things - though it's usually more Minion that outs with it - but she refrains.

"I'm sure you are. Have you thought about trying to find a way to get us home at all?" She pokes at her bun, pulling it apart ad taking a bite, then licking at her fingers.

"Not at the moment. It's most of the routine stuff for now - city dredges, lost cyberfoxes, etc. You know the drill."


hvymetalheroics October 22 2011, 07:57:14 UTC
Minion does have a tendency to blab. Mostly because he likes talking to people who aren't Megamind, and that happens so rarely.

He WAS going to answer the question, but he's a little distracted by anything being finger licking good with Roxanne. Then he blinks back to reality, clears his throat, and glances down at his cup, and thne over at a display, and says, "... well, they won't let me anywhere near the stuff they use, and they're pretty protective of the information about it... So, I don't really have a basis there. I've never really considered portal travel, or dimensional work, or... even simple teleportation."

It's something to think about though, and he's currently resisting the urge to start making notes on a napkin. "It can't be like the reset button. I mean, if THEY can do it..." Someone else surely can.

But then she says a word he's never heard before. "Cyber...foxes?"


neveradamsel October 22 2011, 17:25:58 UTC
"Well, I did poke through some of the previous...ah. You's data pads. I thought I saw something about a portal, but..." She shrugged. "It would take a long time to build, I'm sure. I'm no engineer, though." Not a career choice that had ever particularly interested Roxanne, to be honest. She'd always wanted to deal with the media industry - her major in college had been journalism, and she'd enjoyed every second of it.

"Cyberfoxes. Little...metal fox things." She shrugged, and smiled before taking another bite of her bun.


hvymetalheroics October 22 2011, 23:39:59 UTC
"Yeah, there were... a lot. Of funny things in that stuff."

...he's distinctly uncomfortable with his other self. Not because of-- how he was different (that seems to be mostly okay) but... other things. Things he's not bringing up.

Hey, he's just gonna put some sticky bun in his mouth and chew thoughtfully.

"But I could take a look at his notes and see where that was going. I wouldn't mind taking exit visa from those transtech-folks."

Since they're not very quick about it.


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