Take It Or Leave It

Sep 29, 2011 16:59

WHO: hvymetalheroics & iam_not_amoron
WHAT: A meeting...of DESTINY. aka Wheatley gets kidnapped again.
WHERE: That....place..with the...things. In Zone 4.
WHEN: Not long after this little conversation

Arms. )

portal | wheatley, megamind | megamind

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hvymetalheroics September 30 2011, 01:39:21 UTC
Megamind was-- busy. Earlier. But he's here now, followed by a few brain bots as he heads up the crest on his newly restored to him motorbike. He is very happy to have found it again-- parked behind the House of Pizzazz.

He hops off it, and strides through Lookout Point with a smile; it's cleaner now, and there are trees being planted. Someone (short, skinny, blue) has been busy here.

"Hallo! OH HALLO!" he waves a hand. "Wheatley!"


iam_not_amoron September 30 2011, 02:54:53 UTC
     ...his head looked a lot bigger in person. Or maybe it was just that Wheatley had expected him to be a little taller, but then again, usually everyone was taller or bigger than him in general.

"Hello? Oh! Hello!" he chirped, unable to help but get a little excited once again. "Well, that was easy..." The metal ball bobbed along in the air, floating over towards Megamind and his unusual entourage.


hvymetalheroics September 30 2011, 04:10:35 UTC
"Right then! Let me get a scan of you," and he lifts a-- watch? To do so. WHOO it's a laser show, and then it is over. "Right, that's a good start-- let me upload that...."

He fiddles with the watch and a datapad, before he looks at Wheatley again and then reaches out and takes a stylus and begins to doodle again, biting his lower lip as he worked.

"Yup... I think it's doable. Definitely doable."


iam_not_amoron September 30 2011, 05:01:18 UTC
     "A scan?" His optic core rotated in a curious gesture, much like a head-tilt. "Wait, is that a- that's a watch, isn't it? Just, ah, what are you- agh! What was th- oh, oh, it's over." Shaking himself out, Wheatley did a quick check to make sure he was still functioning normally. "...was that it, then?"

Blinking, the core drifted closer towards Megamind to try and catch a glimpse over his shoulder of whatever the blue wonder was doodling.


hvymetalheroics September 30 2011, 17:00:06 UTC
There are a variety of manipulator types being doodled - claw hands, more skeletal seeming manipulators.

"Are you content being a ...floating eyeball? Essentially, I mean. Because some people like bodies. Makes them less-- uncanny-valley-ish." Cause you're way to one side of it, and you know, some people are okay with that, but some people aren't.

Megamind just needs to know -- for science. That's all.


iam_not_amoron September 30 2011, 18:42:20 UTC
     Science, huh. That's what GLaDOS said.

Wheatley would have to grant that the big-headed blue one did have quite an imagination. He hovered over Megamind, peering at the variety of hand-type things.

"Sorry, what? Oh! Ah, well actually...I never really considered being otherwise. Never had too much of a problem with it. But hey, this is a body, isn't it? It's...well it's a simple body, okay I'll give you that, but it's a body, nonetheless." He wasn't too big on being called a floating eyeball.


hvymetalheroics September 30 2011, 22:13:12 UTC
GLaDOS would be a most respectable opponent.

"Right. So floaty little bot. With added arms. Right." He continued to doodle, before glancing back at Wheatley, and-- then doodling. "I'll have to work swith that axis you turn on-- internally. I'd put them on -- these bumpers," making up the frames around the socket for Wheatley's eyes, "But they wouldn't bear weight. You won't be arm-wrestling anyone, anyway-- no leverage, but certainly, manipulating small items is better than nothing, right?"

See? There's a rainbow everywhere if you look for it.

"I'm thinking one to each side, small manipulator hands, nothing too fancy. You don't have a lot of room for supporting too much else."


iam_not_amoron October 1 2011, 06:07:59 UTC
     He looked away distractedly as he thought a little more about having a body- he was getting that odd ping that he'd become familiar with as a reaction from some of those jumbled up memory fragments. Something about being big and powerful.

"-huh, what?" Wheatley looked back down at Megamind's artwork, tuning back into the conversation. "Oh, ah, right, right," he replied, swiveling his central core up and down in a nod. "It would still be an improvement from no hands, and anyway this is actually quite generous of you to be doing something like this- now on that note I can't help but...well, wonder just what you would be expecting for compensation. Bluntly speaking, what's in it for you?"


hvymetalheroics October 1 2011, 19:00:10 UTC
Big and powerful bodies? Yeah, Megamind knows what it's like to hop into the battle suit and go toe-to-toe with a new hero... Only it went really south. The exhilaration was pretty good for a while, though. The terror that came after? Not so much.

But when he asked about compensation, he goes awy from BATTLE BOT thoughts to something like SCANDAL!!! Large, green eyes peer at Wheatley from behind the datapad.

"You expect to be charged? For heroic acts? What sort of terrible world did you come from? No no no, my little round friend! This is for HEROISM! And also SCIENCE!" He shakes his head. "No, only villains PROFIT... and then, not even for long, trust me on this."

Once the moment of SCANDAL has passed, Megamind looks over at the bots, and thne at Wheatley. "However, there is the small problem of working on you. I have a shop, all set up now! I've been working very hard on it. But that's just the thing."

He shrugs once, and then says, "Heroes have to have secret hide outs too. I mean, if the Batcave was public, when would Batman ( ... )


iam_not_amoron October 2 2011, 00:21:33 UTC
     This sudden shift of behavior startled the core, and he floated back to maintain some comfortable space between himself and Megamind.

"H-heroism? And science? Oh. Well. I guess...well I hadn't thought about it that way- I mean it's understandable, isn't it? The way the rest of this place works, you can't help but think like that-

"Which isn't to say that I'm not appreciative of the gesture! Um, oh...okay. What are...what are they doing..."

Wheatley glanced back and forth as the bots started to come closer, surrounding him. No, this didn't look very good at all. "Wait, what- hey, what are, agh! Ahh, what are you doing-?!" It really wasn't hard at all to bag him.


hvymetalheroics October 2 2011, 07:13:09 UTC
"Really, I am sorry! I've never had to kidnap heroically before! But you'll see!" He dashes back to where he's parked his bike, and the bots follow with Wheatley's sack in tow.

It's a very short, fast trip back to the new, underground passage to the 'basement' of the House of Pizzazz, where the lair has been hidden. He ushers the bots in, carefullys gets everything in place (including dramatic lighting) and then sits down at his big comfy chair and fires up the new cluster of monitors, downloading his designs and throwing them up for display.

Then, he motions to the brianbots. "Okay. Okay! Let him out." They release their hold as instructed, and undo the sack, letting Wheatley out in the new, Axiom-based "Evil" Lair -- reformed, of course, into the HEROIC lair ( ... )


iam_not_amoron October 2 2011, 07:52:13 UTC
     "Ahaha- sorry? Funny thing, I wasn't aware that there was such a thing as heroic kidnapping! Rescuing, yes, but not, not kidnapping... I really hope this doesn't become a trend- was already sort of kidnapped once before and that wasn't fun at all- Ah....You're not going to try feeding me to anything, are you? -probably not, most likely not, since you said you're a hero and all, but I just, well I just thought I'd check."

Wheatley had little other choice than to endure the trip. It was an experience he decided he could have done without, even if it was the first (and hopefully last) time he was thrown into a sack. Short a trip as it was, Megamind and bots would be subjected to his nervous blathering, all the way up until he was released.

"Ah! Finally! It was getting kind of- well I can't say stuffy since it's not like I actually breathe or anything, but I think you get the idea." Shaking himself out a few times, the glowing blue optic peered about his new surroundings before looking to Megamind himself ( ... )


hvymetalheroics October 2 2011, 18:05:32 UTC
Megamind does not bother suppressing the surge to roll his eyes. "The lighting is dramatic," he says, before he whirls in his chair, back to his console.

"I think these will work the best," he says, pulling down one of the designs into focus. "One to each side of you. They'll be delicate but it's better than nothing. Just don't pick any fights with anybody, alright? You won't hit very hard."

But then he rises, kicking the chair out of the way, grabbing at one of theose bars that frame Wheatley's central eye. "Now! THE WORK!"


iam_not_amoron October 3 2011, 04:46:03 UTC
     His shutters pulled back as though like a widening eye as he peered at the design in question, followed by another couple of nods in agreement. "Picking fights? Wouldn't dream of it! Still kind of on the small side, after all- um, in general, that is."

He gave a start as Megamind kicked the chair away then, finding himself snagged and yanked closer.

"What, right now? You...you certainly don't hesitate for much, do you? Not that I don't appreciate this though- oh, but I should ask, is.... well, will it, ah...hurt? Much...?"


hvymetalheroics October 3 2011, 15:14:02 UTC
"... I suppose that depends on your capacity for pain. Can you even FEEL pain? That's important to know, because, you know-- sensing pressure with hands is very important. That's all the difference between a limp fish handshake and a knuckleroller, both of which will make you really unpopular for different reasons," Megamind begins, even as he's headed off toward what looks like where all his spare parts for brainbots are kept.

Also, tools. So many beautiful tools. The money from the House he had on hand AND the money from his loan has been spent on some really great tools.


iam_not_amoron October 3 2011, 18:47:16 UTC
     "That's a bit heartless an assumption to make, don't you think? I mean, sure, I may not be as complex a design as those 25-foot walking metal monsters but I do have some thought put into my programming! Even the turrets back at the facilities had simulated pain..."

He paused at that. Turrets... He strained for that line of thought, recalling assembly lines and bullets. "Er, anyway. Fact of the matter is yes, I am quite sure that I can feel pain- hence why I am just voicing my concern about all this. You'd be concerned too, wouldn't you? If you, if you were going into surgery for something, right? -of course I don't think that humans have to worry all too often about having arms attached of all things, but then I guess it could happen.     Given not much choice but to trail along after Megamind, Wheatley looked about at the parts and equipment that they passed. It was difficult not to feel just a little nervous. ...but then given that he was already a bit nervous from the start, that was quickly moving into the 'a ( ... )


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