(no subject)

Jul 17, 2009 22:41

Who: Luke Skywalker and anyone who wants to join--except Jar Jar. Fuck Jar Jar.
What: Intro!
Where: Zone 3
Summary: Luke's new, he decides to explore; he makes new friends... we learn about the Letter B.
Notes: It's open, anyone's welcome to join...except you know who....

Luke Skywalker, otherwise better known (at least around here) as Luke Starkiller, strolled rather silently through the Zone's crowded streets, open markets, so on and so forth. The little shops along the way giving rise to the concept that, by some semblence of sanity, things were allowed to run seemingly smoothly around here. He doubted that was the perfect case, of course.

In some sense, he felt at home on this world; a lot of it reminded him of Coruscant, really. The crowded streets, the mingling of technology and different cultures, and a large robot population; although, these ones weren't some subserviant droids, these were a race all their own, a lot along the same minds as IG-88 himself had in plans for droids of his own world. Smiling at the concept of Threepio and Artoo living like Kings and having to worry about money and making their way, or even with them being considered the heroes, where Luke was the servant, was rather amusing. Not because of its absurdity--he was sure each would make fine masters. But because he could only imagine how much hell he'd give poor Threepio himself.

Luke's tell-tale style of clothing was off colour than probably the most. A long flowing black cloak that allowed a hood to drape over his head; was worn over the tight, black shaded tunic he wore in symbology of his Jedi heritage. The traditional tabbard and gi were worn almost as one piece, and their shades so similiar it'd be hard pressed not to think of them as one piece. The most notable missing piece of this ensemble was that infamous lightsaber of his; which was, in all cases, non-existant. No doubt a side-effect of his travel here--they obviously didn't want anyone having weapons, legally at least. He supposed if needed, he could craft a lightsaber while here on world, but he prayed that such a thing would not be necessary, never the less; he was already researching a bit on the materials of this world.

Each shop along the way he passed, seemed all too content with their current work force and offering himself up as a mechanic was beginning to look bleaker and bleaker--perhaps in Zone 2 he'd have better luck. Problem was, it was quarantined off apparently. Typical he supposed, perhaps the Force was testing his resolve to work without being a Jedi persay. Learn his other abilities, and use them. He should fine-tune them of course, and he wasn't at all ashamed of possibly working with machinery again. He had always loved doing so.

† star wars | luke skywalker, † yugioh 5d's | yuusei fudou, † heroes | gabriel "sylar" gray

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