Yeah, well, maybe we should cheer him up then? What do you suppose we should do?

May 14, 2011 15:10

WHO: IDW!Ratchet, G1!Wheeljack, Movie!Ratchet, IDW!Jazz, Movie!Ironhide, IDW!Prime (oh god. well, some may come or go as they please. but those are the ones who have said they'd be around. ANYONE ELSE IS FREE TO STOP BY.)
WHAT: He's broken, Jim. Trying (and failing, sorry guys) to fix Ratchet's head.
WHERE: Zone 3 Clinic
WHEN: Backdated to this past Tuesday, the 10th. Takes place immediately following this.

Ratchet didn't turn his optics back on- didn't even bother with moving- until he felt Ironhide pull up and found the familiar remote signal of his clinic. For all intents and purposes, it felt like he'd only just left this place a few hours ago. But it had been days. Frag. For all that his head felt like it had been turned inside out, he was still distinctly aware of everyone he'd had scheduled for those missing days and it only served to aggravate him more.

The medic doesn't say anything, just gets back on his feet and moves to open the security doors so they could get inside. At least here he didn't have to worry about not being able to find his way around; he knew the space like the back of his hand.

Although, in the wake of Shockwave's tender mercies, he had to wonder just how well he'd be expected to know even THAT now.

transformers: idw | optimus prime, transformers: g1 cartoon | wheeljack, transformers: 2007 movie | ironhide, † transformers: idw | ratchet, transformers: idw | jazz, transformers: 2007 movie | ratchet

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