(no subject)

May 09, 2011 17:31

Who: Roger Maxson, Verity, and anybody human or humanoid who cares to show up
What: Roger's finally teaching a self-defense class for the squishies
Where: A gym-type area on the hostel premises
When: Sometime in the afternoon or early evening
Warnings: Probably not but I'll edit this if needed

It had taken some time, but Roger had spent enough evenings poring over the copy of the Combatives Manual that he'd managed to run down at the local library to finally feel he had enough to work with. The signs had gone up and the ads had gone out some time ago. Granted, self-defense in terms of hand to hand and low tech weapon use probably wouldn't do much against the mechs around here, but there were plenty of organic dangers to worry about. Better to give people a chance against that than give them nothing at all.

And someday, if he could get the permits and work with Wheeljack long enough to replicate his own world's tech.... maybe more than that.

In the meantime, however, Roger had a class to teach. There would be grappling. This would be interesting.

† fallout | roger maxson, † transformers: idw | verity carlo

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