Who: A Jack and Star, and an Open door. (Vergil? Ratchet? Who knows.)
What: Hopefully replacing an optic. No promises.
When: Not long after Magnum returns.
Where: Zone 5, Wheeljack's workshop, near Vergil's
The street wasn't what the seeker would call perfect; then again, there were rarely any that were in the Nexus. The benefit of this particular one though was that you were substantially less likely to be mugged or 'disposed of' here and above than the zones bellow this point. Starscream would know this, having been one to have committed one of these disposals down in Zone 6, back before Magnus had taken control of the casino.
Still, he found himself getting more looks than usual from passerbys, and the recently reclaimed minicon on his shoulder continued to seethe and glare at them all. It had taken a lot of work and apologies for Starscream to get Swindle to this point, and to not violently attack and curse him every cycle. In truth, this was the first time he has taken his small companion out of his new apartment, and the Seeker found himself paying more attention to him than the stares.
Though his short glances were enough to remind him of his glaring lack of a left optic.
Quieting a sigh of his intakes, the jet leans back against his chosen wall once more, giving the street and pedestrians another long look before glancing back to Swindle- and the entrance to a workshop directly next to him.
It would be just like him, if this wasn't the right address.