
Jan 12, 2011 01:20

WHO: Nemesis Prime and Malcolm
WHAT: Random bumping into each other.
WHERE: One of the lower zones.
WHEN: Sometime shortly after Malcolm is human again.
WARNINGS: Uhhhhh we dunno yet |D Probably at least minor violence. Add more if we need to. :3

Malcolm needs to stop wandering around aimlessly. )

transformers: idw | nemesis prime, transformers: g1 cartoon | megatron

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sumptushubris January 12 2011, 06:26:01 UTC
Imagination is a strange thing. With the proper stimulus, losses can become victories, weaknesses can become strengths - or nothing can become something, shadows can become pits in which enemies hide, waiting, plotting, but there for the strike-

-the movement in that shadow, however, is not imagination. It is an actual Cybertronian...rather, what once was a Transformer, and now what has only empty optics as it looks up and towards the noise, what is visible of its mouth twisting in an ugly snarl.

Shrieking, it suddenly lunges at Megatron, moving with surprising speed for something so...

...well, damaged, with bolts falling from it even as it makes to strike.


supreme_leader January 12 2011, 06:47:23 UTC
His head snaps to the sound, caught off guard he only manages to half turn before it's on him and he snarls in displeasure; he hadn't expected to be attacked on this trip.

He vaguely recognizes the thing, remembers fighting them before as he staggers before finding his footing and he recalls they weren't the most difficult things to be rid of, just annoyances. Ones that he thought were gone.

His fusion cannon hums to life, energy crackling and this will be far more satisfying than ripping it apart just because he can use it again; he fires at the head of the... thing attempting to remove his other arm.


sumptushubris January 12 2011, 06:50:19 UTC
Stupid annoyances. The creature doesn't even try to dodge; in a flash of light and energy its entire upper torso is vaporized, and it falls to the ground before Megatron, twitching once before a whisp of black escapes from it - and then it goes still.

Some seconds later, from off to the side - a slow series of claps.

"That was neatly done."


supreme_leader January 12 2011, 07:10:25 UTC
Clearly his sensors need checked; first the smoking zombie at his pedes and now he doesn't pick up a real mech? His optics widen briefly before he drops back into his customary scowl and kicks once, disgustedly, at heap of metal before him before he turns to eye the mech who had clearly been watching him.

His optics narrow slightly, Malcolm knows him from the network and the grandiose speech he had given, though he couldn't recall much of it now. Magnum kneeling at the mech's side had caught his attention far more than any words would have. Still he's better than any of his alternates and in turn is not particularly concerned.

"Of course it was."


sumptushubris January 12 2011, 07:13:59 UTC
To be fair, Nemesis Prime's form only gives off so much energy to be registered upon sensors - and even then, most of that is twisted in his state of undeath.

He makes a sound of amusement, raising his chin as he sizes Malcolm up - then holds out his hand. The before-seen black whisp seems to reform within it, then absorb back in to his chassis. "And humble. What a mech you are," he drawls, lowering his arm. "Though you seem familiar."

Perhaps from the network. He has been so lax in attending it lately, more concerned with his own plans, his own work, to care about others'...


supreme_leader January 12 2011, 07:56:03 UTC
Well that's certainly something he hasn't seen before and it's a tad disconcerting. He'd realized the black wisp was somehow relevant to the zombies but how he hadn't quite been clear about... and in all honesty still isn't.

At least he knows it exists, unlike his experience with Magnus' swords, even if he isn't sure what it does

"We've spoken before," He tilts his head as he eyes Nemesis, optics narrowed. "I'm the rightful leader of the Decepticons."

That aggravates him; no one should forget who he is, especially not when they've had an entire conversation.


sumptushubris January 12 2011, 15:17:14 UTC
"Autobot. Decepticon. You are all the same - and I will never understand why you insist on those foolish factions."

The derision in Nemesis's voice is tempered only by honest bafflement. While he didn't hesitate to take advantage of this split, it is still...disappointing, to know that in so many different worlds, things are the same.

Are there no leaders of strength? No mechs capable of uniting Cybertron?


supreme_leader January 12 2011, 21:48:39 UTC
"In my universe, Autobots and Decepticons are separate models. We did not choose our 'factions' the way we were built decided," He's not mentioning that there were a few Autobots he managed to convince with the help of a nifty little machine that could change a mech's programming.

"I was built to lead, to crush the Autobots beneath my pedes and reclaim Cybertron for the Decepticons," he's said this before, to countless mechs, millions of times and it's clearly well-practiced but he believes it just as much now as he ever did, perhaps more now that he's decided he has the right to the entire universe as well.

He's not interested in uniting, the time for that is long passed; Optimus Prime's goals and his are too different now. He's never believed in the words or promises of his sworn enemy and he's not about to start now.

"I will restore them to glory."


/LATE orz sumptushubris January 17 2011, 01:52:46 UTC
"I still see no difference."

To be built different - unless one meant to foster war, such is foolish. But then, perhaps such is - was the case.

Nemesis Prime waves a hand dismissively, scorn clear in his voice. "You know nothing of glory, only the false victory of fighting among your own kind. Move along, little 'Decepticon', and play your games of conflict and strife. You lead your Cybertron to its doom, and I am comforted only in that this one will not end up the same."


np :D supreme_leader January 17 2011, 02:45:52 UTC
"There wouldn't have been, if the Autobots hadn't insisted on lording over us like they were better," he snaps; he's growing tired of having this conversation even if Nemesis hasn't been part of it before.

He didn't care what Nemesis believed. He was built to lead the Decepticons to victory and that's all Malcolm needed to know to keep pushing forward.

"Little?" he snarls and takes a step forward. "Once I have conquered the Autobots, I will rebuild Cybertron and claim the universe for my own. I'm not 'playing,' whatever you think."


afjgasghsag sumptushubris February 10 2011, 22:43:03 UTC
"Of course you will." There is no hiding the patronization in Nemesis Prime's voice, even if he wanted to. It is the adult patting the child on the head when they boast of their impossible goals - a worm wishing to fly.


Now I'm the late one D: /fail supreme_leader February 12 2011, 04:49:47 UTC
"You doubt that I can?" he gives a low rumbling growl, fusion cannon humming to life in annoyance and more than willing to use it to prove himself if that's what Nemesis requires. "Watch me, Fool."


WE ARE BOTH FAILURES AWESOME sumptushubris February 12 2011, 04:51:49 UTC

He notes the weapon charging. And in answer, raises an arm, holding it out to the side as the cannon array upon it rotates and spreads. Four 'feathers' hum as well, a charge within them building ominously.

"I would take more care in my words, were I you."


*BROFIST* supreme_leader February 12 2011, 05:02:24 UTC
"I will say what I want," he snaps, optics flashing and narrowing on the weaponry he's just been shown but not backing off or powering down his own.

"I answer to no one, least of all you," he raises his chin defiantly. "But when I am done, you will answer to me."


/WOOO sumptushubris February 12 2011, 05:07:18 UTC
"You bore me."

True irritation is within his vocalizer now, the humor fading fast. To take on a shambling chassis is one thing.

To challenge the Prime is another.

"Let us see just what you can do."


supreme_leader February 12 2011, 06:24:55 UTC
He snarls; Nemesis has no right to belittle or insult him. Malcolm is the Leader of the Decepticons and this mech is nothing compared to him.

He will challenge whomever he pleases and it seems to be Nemesis' lucky day. He says nothing only growls as he brings his cannon to full power, aiming and firing at Nemesis.


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