(no subject)

Oct 11, 2010 14:47

Who: Roger Maxson and whoever shows up. Probably Verity Carlo, but who knows.
What: Bad, bad things happened a year ago, and right now Roger doesn't want to remember then.
Where: Some bar willing to serve human-sized patrons in zone 5.
When: Now is fine, really.
Potential Warnings: Possible spoilers for Roger's canon, possible unpleasant descriptions of medical experiments.

Roger had thought that he was dealing with everything that happened at home pretty well, all things considered. Horrible discoveries, check, nuclear war, check, brutal slaughter that left his wife and many of his men dead, yeah- he'd thought he was able to deal with that.

And then one day he'd looked up at the calendar and seen that it was the second week of October.

He wasn't normally what anyone would call a hard-drinking type, especially not in a situation where half the locals could squash him flat without blinking if he was too drunk to pay attention, but right now... right now he did not want to remember what time of year it was, or what had happened back at Mariposa. Or at least, he didn't want to think about it.

The tactic didn't seem to be working. Apparently even now he had rotten luck.

† fallout | roger maxson, † transformers: idw | verity carlo

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