Guilt complex times two.

Sep 08, 2010 04:15

WHO: Optimus Prime like_a_bossbot and... Optimus Prime ichooseboth
WHAT: Removing his stasis cuffs and all kinds of awkward. :(
WHERE: Optimus' apartment
WHEN: Monday night, when the virus has worn off.
WARNINGS/NOTES: Excessive awkward? References to the event, probably.

Now with more actionspam. )

transformers: idw | optimus prime, transformers: animated | optimus prime

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ichooseboth September 8 2010, 08:21:21 UTC
[Roller had checked on the alternate Prime not long before, so Optimus was going to get his moment for at least an hour.

Then, cautiously, the door opened, the little drone rolling on in to check the state of the other Prime's optics.

Because Prime was too ashamed to do it himself.]


like_a_bossbot September 8 2010, 08:24:17 UTC
[The sound of the door was enough to draw his attention, optics flickering back online to look at the drone. He frowned, gaze dropping to the floor - Oh, he was back to normal alright. Unfortunately.]


ichooseboth September 8 2010, 08:26:36 UTC
[The sight of blue optics was all he needed - Roller let out a surprised squeal, zooming forward with a inquiring trill.

In the other room, Optimus Prime cringed, but resolutely stood and began heading toward the spare room.]


like_a_bossbot September 8 2010, 08:31:33 UTC
[He felt as though his spark had dropped a few inches, testing the stasis cuffs once again. He didn't expect a change at all, but he doubted that Roller would be able to take them off with his lack of working hands.

... Which left limited options.]

... Roller.

[He spoke quietly, still looking at the floor.]

Sorry. About earlier.


ichooseboth September 8 2010, 08:36:58 UTC
[The drone chirped, bumping Optimus far more gently then usual with his front fender. All was apparently forgiven.]

[At the same point, the rest of Optimus cautiously pushed the door aside, optics only flicking to his alternate to confirm what his drone saw, before gluing themselves to the floor.

Oh Primus he didn't want to be here -the guilt was nearly overwhelming him.]


like_a_bossbot September 8 2010, 17:29:38 UTC
[The corner of his lip twitched slightly, almost smiling at the drone's reaction - Until he heard the heavier footsteps of his alternate in the doorway. It's hard not to grimace, but he managed a mostly neutral face, focusing hard on Roller for the moment.

He's... not entirely sure what he could say, at this point. The damage was already done, and he didn't blame Optimus for probably wanting nothing to do with him.]


ichooseboth September 8 2010, 18:39:03 UTC
[Roller made a plaintive whining sound, channeling his other part's anxiety, and gave the smaller Prime another nudge.]

[Coming dangerously close to freezing up mid-step half way across the room, Optimus finally made it to his alternate's side. Kneeling down behind him, he hesitated a moment. He had to get close to set him free, after all. But...]

...I. Sorry.

[...That was pathetic and he knew it. But he still sucked it up and gently rolled his alternate to the side to reach the status cuff controls, finally releasing him. Then he took a rather hasty step back.]


like_a_bossbot September 8 2010, 18:46:37 UTC
[The apology took Optimus off-guard, blinking a few times as the field de-activated. He flexed his fingers, testing the range of movement as he continued to carefully avoid looking at his alternate's face.]

... You're... not the one who should be apologizing.


ichooseboth September 8 2010, 19:59:28 UTC
[He couldn't help but stare after that comment, optics pulling away from the floor before he remembered himself. He took another step back.]

...Yes I am.


like_a_bossbot September 8 2010, 20:11:45 UTC
I am just as much to blame for what happened. Probably more...

[He winces, remembering all too well how eager he'd been to latch onto his alternate self. Among other things.]

This isn't your fault.


ichooseboth September 8 2010, 23:40:04 UTC
[Again, his alternate's words force him to stare against his will. What? No.]

Hardly. I should have known better. I should have done more to stop myself. To...stay away. If anyone here is more to blame, it would be me.


like_a_bossbot September 8 2010, 23:43:50 UTC
You were under the influence of the same virus I was. I... don't think either of us could have stopped it.

[He vents a sigh, rubbing absently at one of his wrists.]

I don't... blame you. For anything.


ichooseboth September 9 2010, 00:16:46 UTC
[Optimus looks away again, setting the status cuffs off to the side. He really doesn't want anything to do with them any more.]

...nor I you.


like_a_bossbot September 9 2010, 00:22:03 UTC
[He avoids looking at the cuffs, not quite ready to get up yet - At least it hadn't been his own grapplers for once. He grasps for something to say, lightly patting Roller instead.]

I know you're going to blame yourself anyway. I wish you wouldn't.

[He wasn't even sure how to touch the topic of what happened, shifting uncomfortably. It... could have been worse (particularly if the deal with Magnum hadn't panned out as it had), but... he felt like saying that would only make it more awkward. If it had to be someone, Optimus wasn't a horrible choice.

Yet somehow "If I had to have someone take my virginity while I was out of my processor, I'm glad it was you" didn't sound quite right either.]


ichooseboth September 9 2010, 01:56:47 UTC
[Optimus' frown only deepens. His his alternate. If not one can talk him out of feeling the way he does, the same will likely hold true for the younger Optimus.]

And you won't do the same? As we so stubbornly insisted upon while we were...not ourselves...we are alternates of the same being. [He shifts awkwardly.]

...I know how I feel about this mess. At this point I'm getting the idea you feel the same, when I know you should not.


like_a_bossbot September 9 2010, 02:04:28 UTC
If I shouldn't feel that way, why should you?

[He sags slightly, knowing the argument wasn't going to get him anywhere. He knew it wouldn't have convinced him... But he had to try something. Anything.

He cursed their shared inablity to share responsibility, even when it wasn't something they needed to bear alone. Optimus knew he'd have done the same, was doing the same - But he didn't want both of them to suffer either.]


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