
Sep 24, 2009 20:34

[Here is the sound of Death the Kid grunting in frustration as he attempts to move the furniture to little avail. Of course, the crowd of others doing paperwork would never stop him from trying, as it is currently not even close to symmetrical in its layout.

Finally, the sound of soft panting from Kid, clearly winded from his efforts. ]

I demand that someone come and fix this at once. This furniture... is absolutely atrocious! The table is too far to the left! And that desk! It’s completely messed up!

It’s not even close to symmetrical! Who designed these rooms!? Some freak from Disorganized Island?!

This entire room is an eyesore! It disgusts-

[ His ranting is interrupted by a crash, then a horrible shriek.  Bonecrusher decided he hates paperwork, and overturned one of the few, properly ordered tables. ]

What are you-

H-How could you-
[ Thunk.  Aaaaand, he's down for the count.  Replies will come a few hours later. ]

† soul eater | death the kid

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