[doesn't quite look like an intentional video, either, to say nothing of the quality. static fills it, and it's loud static at that; one can barely tell through the brief glimpses of actual footage that the recorder is maybe in zone 6 or 7. or even 8. as said, it's very hard to tell...]
[it's only a bit less hard to tell who's speaking...there's someone (presumably the recorder) muttering in the background, but it sounds distracted, -off-. certainly not how they usually sound if someone's bothered to source the video signature or even pay attention to the voice...]
something in my head he did something to my head what did you do I killed you-
[and the viewer spins around...for nothing to be there. aside from the static, of course...and a faintly reflective surface which may or may not be the final clue to who this is]
I killed you I destroyed you you're not allowed to linger around go on to whatever pit awaits you if you believe in such things too loud did you do that or did he do it? [chuckle] even in death you taunt me but I swear I'll find a way to make you and the rest of them shut up I did it before didn't I shut up
[and the purple-and-black form punches its reflection. though the static continues to obscure, by the sound of things he does it multiple times...voice raising in pitch at points, but never stopping...]
[...that is, until the video ends as strangely/suddenly as it started]
((OOC: Curious about what happened?
quicklink to the direct series of events...log is rather intense, though, fair warning))