
Sep 21, 2009 09:29

[well, Optimus can look heroic if he wants to. He's standing in front of a fire station]

The Axiom Nexus Offworld Fire Department has been working towards cleaning up after the riots that occured in the last Decacycle. As the fires in our current sector have been put out, we're now striving towards the repair of the Offworld Zones. As such, I've been asked by the department to see if there is anyone on this particular network that is interested in aiding in the clean-up.

Your help would be-

[His face suddenly contorts in pain. There's a screech of metal being rent in two, and the thump of industrial-strength rubber hitting the ground. Optimus immediately looks down towards his feet, and then slowly off to the left, as if he is watching something roll away. As he watches it, his optics grow wider and wider, first with confusion, and then with horror.]

my wheel...!

[He looks back at the camera, and scrambles to turn it off.]

transformers: animated | optimus prime

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