[Accidental Video] a.k.a. "the happy mortician"

Aug 23, 2009 18:02

[The video clicks on after having been detached and set down, as evidenced by the servo blocking most of the frame. When it moves out of the way, the corpse of a horrifically mutilated TransTech citizen comes into view, laid out on an operating table. There's the sound of heavy footsteps off to the side, as well as some beeping and what might be typing. A few moments later, Blitzwing enters the frame. He peers at the corpse, prodding at some of the more heavily damaged areas. It looks like he's actually conducting some sort of investigation.

[Quite suddenly, the Triple Changer grabs onto a large portion of the armor and wrenches it up, exposing the corpse's inner workings. Without hesitation -- and lacking any sort of finesse -- Blitzwing shoves a servo deep inside the corpse, apparently feeling around for something. There's a small noise of triumph, then he rips the thing out, fluids splattering his chassis as fuel lines are torn apart. After taking a careful look at whatever he's removed, he tears off one of the corpse's servos and turns to look at something out of frame.]

The rest can be disposed of.

[Two mechs enter the frame, carrying the corpse out while Blitzwing cleans off the part he removed (as well as his arm). He picks up the servo that he tore off and -- ka-shunk! -- sticks it in his grinning mouth. Then he walks back to the comm and picks it up, beginning to reattach it to his arm and effectively cutting the feed.]

† transformers: animated | blitzwing

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