
Sep 11, 2011 20:04

[The screen flickers on, and for a long moment, all that is really visible is the outside of Inprocessing, before the feeds swings back up and around to Perceptor's face. He is peering around himself with a look of quiet wonder and curiosity, heedless of the video feed. Finally, he seems to recall himself, glancing back down at the screen, and jerking with a start as he realizes that the feed is active.]

Oh! Eh heh. The infrastructure here transmits much more swiftly than I had anticipated!

[He's just a little chagrinned, but that quickly passes.]

A cursory evaluation indicates that I have experienced a spatial displacement of significant proportion. Initially, I thought I had detected faint traces of chrono particles, however, I was unable to confirm that before, ah, finding myself in the midst of a rather detailed interrogation. And a series of lengthy periods of waiting.

[There's a look of faint distaste and disbelief upon his features, as if he cannot understand why he had been unable to confirm his readings, even if he had been accosted by the TransTechs rather quickly. As if it is a sort of personal failing, and he is not happy about that one bit. But it quickly passes, subsumed by open curiosity again.]

The individuals whom I was questioned by, however, were significantly closed-mouthed about the situation which I now find myself in, and I find myself... somewhat at a loss. Theoretically, I should be transmitting to other residents here, however, I cannot yet be certain. Has my transmission been received? Is there anyone who can provide assistance?

[Curiously, he doesn't seem much distressed by this turn of events. As if finding himself in strange, new, unknown locations is... par for the course? It's certainly a new opportunity, if his expression is anything to judge by.]

transformers: g1 cartoon | perceptor

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