[Video] Locked to Autobots and Allies

Aug 29, 2011 15:40

Cliffjumper's missin'.  [The Mini-bot didn't show up for a stint at the racetrack this morning and hasn't responded to hails since.] Anyone else missin' that we know of? ...three days, three weeks . . . I'm not waitin' ta find out which.  I'll be out lookin' for CJ if anyone needs me.  If ya wanna help or ya think ya might know somethin', I'd ( Read more... )

transformers: g1 cartoon | wheeljack

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not_your_gun August 29 2011, 23:28:58 UTC
Do you Autobots always keep 'this' good a track of each other?

[He's noticed a number of you going missing lately, he's not sure if he's amused or worried.]


"Magnum" or "Magnus"? S-sorry...if I'm wrong, pretend Jack used the /right/ name. 9,9;;; derpjack_ftw August 30 2011, 02:35:24 UTC
[Wheeljack pauses a moment, not sure if Megatron's being sarcastic about an Autobot missing, or commenting on the fact that they do keep track of each other to begin with. But . . . another concern takes precedent. He wasn't surprised by Wing's reply - he gave the Knight the code himself - but...]

M-Magnus!? How . . . [Hang on while he takes just an instant to double-check his coding.] How did you get access ta this lock?


Magnum! And no problem~ not_your_gun August 30 2011, 04:13:04 UTC
Mmmm...it may be that you have an informant among you.

[Well, technically Soundwave shared a mind with Ratchet, which meant sometimes locks were solid and sometimes they weren't. This was the first time he'd seen one show up--maybe that vacation was doing Soundwave good.]

But if it helps, none of mine are missing currently.

[He offered the information freely, as almost a sort of truce.]


LOL I can never remember. 9,9 derpjack_ftw August 31 2011, 00:53:24 UTC
[He... Okay, he knows better than to just dismiss that outright, but he's not going to jump the gun on any such assumptions, either.]


[There's a pause as he tries to decide if the mech is telling the truth or not, finally nodding. He's a bit guarded, but he is sincere.]

I'm glad ta hear that. I hope no one goes missin' either.

[It occurs to him to ask if any of Megatron's are responsible either, but . . . yeah, not like the mech would fess up to it if they were (and he was aware of it).]

Ya happen ta still have that locator array I built for ya.

[No clue if he'd be able to use it to find Cliffjumper - or if Magnum would let him borrow if even if he could not like he couldn't build another, but that'd take time Still, didn't hurt to ask.]


They're really similar, its true! not_your_gun September 1 2011, 23:46:57 UTC
You're...glad to hear it?

[He laughed, lightly.] I haven't known Autobots to give much care to the well-being of Decepticons. But thank you for your concern.

I have your device, yes.

[Still smiling, because he's not going to offer it openly.]


derpjack_ftw September 5 2011, 22:28:26 UTC
[He shrugs, not at all offended. He certainly can't say it's not true for far too many, as much as that saddens him.]

Don't think I've ever known Decepticons ta care about Autobots either, but . . . if we ever want our wars ta stop - not just be halted for us by a third party, but truly end - then one thing we gotta remember is that the mechs on the other side are people, not just some faceless, sparkless, ideal. I won't pretend that I don't hate some'a what's happened, or that I've never been hurt, or never been furious or lost people close ta me . . . but I really think we lose a bit of our spark if we forget to at least acknowledge a life lost, even if we're the ones who wound up taking it. I don't know about the Autobots where you come from, but where I do, we're taught that all life is sacred. Not everyone remembers or wants ta see it, but it's still one of our ideals. On a battlefield, in combat, that's one thing - an' it's still unfortunate, even if it could be looked at as a "necessary evil" - but outside of a specific ( ... )


not_your_gun September 14 2011, 19:16:19 UTC
[He stares.]

Do you have a history of public speaking, Wheeljack? [The last thing he'd been expecting was a speech--but there it was, and how enlightening it turned out to be.]

All 'life' is not created equal. However, in this case, any 'life' that we can keep out of Shockwave's hands is a victory for me, so I have no problems with assisting you. You can pick up the device from the following address:

[Which we can assume that Megatron provides, and that Wheeljack was able to grab, use, and bring back sometime before current events.]


derpjack_ftw September 16 2011, 01:00:32 UTC
[This? Is the sight of a rather sheepish engineer.]

Oh, heh, n-no . . . no, nothin' like that. I just . . . [He shrugs. He knows he can get going on something he feels strongly about sometimes.]

["All 'life' is not created equal." - He's...assuming - not realizing he's making the assumption - that Magnum means not all equal in how they're created. He knows he was pretty damned lowly to start with, for one, built from whatever was available. His creator didn't even bother to give him a "proper" face! So he actually doesn't even think to address the comment, just agrees.]

Thanks, Magnum. I really appreciate it. I'll get it right back to ya as soon as I'm done.

[And after that, be sure to make the time to build one of his own!]


not_your_gun September 17 2011, 22:29:05 UTC
You just enjoy imparting knowledge and opinions, don't you?

[Alright, color him amused. He's already thinking on ways to get you talking about useful topics, such as energon conservation and space-bridge technology.]

I am certain that you will. You wouldn't wish to be the start of any incidents, after all.


derpjack_ftw September 18 2011, 22:41:30 UTC
[His head ducks, still sheepish.]

Eheh, I've, ah, been told I talk too much sometimes.

[Incident? With a Decepticon? With a Megatron, no less. Frag no. Not without a DAMNED good reason anyway. The loan of a device like this is far from "good reason." He shakes his head.]

Thanks again, Magnum. [Weird, at best, to be thanking a Megatron . . . but there it is.]


not_your_gun September 19 2011, 21:47:23 UTC
You're welcome.

[It's politely spoken, but as always the words have an edge to them. No bargain can be simple...but this one will be. For now.]


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