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savedubywarping August 11 2011, 14:14:31 UTC
At least the purple doesn't clash. [Skywarp grins faintly, though it's obvious he's not trying to be particularly annoying or nasty about it.]

Hey, you could always glue 'em together. That'd teach them! Or you could use those swords. [No matter if they're comparatively tiny (and young) to Wing. That just makes it easier, right?]


[Video] swordofpeace August 11 2011, 14:32:43 UTC
[A harried Wing, wiping gold glitter from apparently the latest salvo, from his cheek.]

It's...not something I feel comfortable wearing and it was done under duress. [Duress he does not want to talk about thankyouverymuch.]

I'm afraid if I did either of those I'd probably be fired. [Which is to say: do NOT tempt him.]


[Video] savedubywarping August 11 2011, 14:41:48 UTC
[But the glitter suits him! Why are you getting rid of it, Wing? You'll be even prettier.]

Since it's not the real thing, at least it'll be easy to get off, then. Protoforms gettin' the better of you? [Nooo sympathy at all, there, but Skywarp certainly notices that Wing didn't go huffy at his suggestion about what to do...]

I'd think it'd teach them a lesson or two. Isn't that what you're there for? Maybe they'll even think it's fun if you glue 'em together. [Doubtful, but the image is funny.]


[Video] swordofpeace August 11 2011, 15:07:00 UTC
[He is sufficiently pretty already. >:| ]

I wish it were. [High quality crayons, damn these TransTechs.] And they are not 'getting the better of me'. [He huffs.] This isn't combat.

[What did he just say about not tempting him?] I'm here to--ow! [His mouth twitches as he looks down.] No biting!

If they thought it was fun if I glued them, what would they actually learn? [It's almost an actual question.]


[Video] savedubywarping August 11 2011, 15:16:24 UTC
[Hey, if they go get covered in glitter together, would that be enough? Not that Skywarp would keep up his end of that deal...]

I said nothing 'bout combat. [Skywarp's snickering now.] People can get the better of you anyway. Like Starscream attempt to, no matter what the slag he's actually doing.

[Come to the daaark side, Wing! You know you want to! Kids and shrieking commanders are good reasons to!] If they're biting, I'd say you should start thinking of it as combat. [Skywarp grins and eyes the screen, not that he could see any of the little hellions right now, though.]

They probably'd only think it was fun for a bit. And then they'd have to learn scrap. Like teamwork. [Skywarp's optics flickers and then he shrugs.]

Or you could just hang them from the ceiling and tell them they're jets now.


[Video] swordofpeace August 11 2011, 15:37:54 UTC
[There must be some truth to this 'jets like shiny things' rumor. and also the Skywarp is a jerk rumor.]

[Hrmph.] They are not getting the better of me. This is a...minor misunderstandi--do not throw that, Suiken!

[A brief cut of the feed and a heavy clattering falling sound. When the video pops on again, the top of one TransTech head is in the feed. Apparently in a headlock.]

Oh they've got teamwork down, Skywarp. [Trust him.]

[And he'll just eyeball that ceiling meaningfully. You are a bad influence, Skywarp.]


Re: [Video] savedubywarping August 11 2011, 15:46:38 UTC
[Maybe there is! Would you like to find out~? Hey now, he's the nicest, sweetest litte Decepticon Seeker arou--- okay, no, he's not.]

Should probably straighten out that "misunderstanding", then. [You're too nice is what, Wing. Little hellions need a firm hand... hey, how does Skywarp know that?]

Then you just gotta turn that against 'em. But you seem to be learning. [A grin, and Skywarp follows Wing's glance up at the ceiling before he meets his optics and smirks.] Hey, all protoforms need timeouts, right? Maybe they'll appreciate the new perspective!

[Listen to Skywarp, Wing! This is obviously a good course of action!]


[Video] swordofpeace August 11 2011, 16:10:46 UTC
[Wing might test this by getting the shiniest, glitteriest Mask for the Pixel Masquerade, Skywarp.]

I am working on it. [Unlike you, he has patience. He's bleeding sanity and goodwill badly, but he's still patient. Or stubborn. They will not defeat him!]

...NO YOU SHOULD NOT BITE YOUR SISTER! what is wrong with you!?

Gags, maybe. Muzzles.


[Video] savedubywarping August 11 2011, 16:18:48 UTC
[This sounds like an excellent idea! better make it blue, though As long as Skywarp doesn't have to wear it.]

[And here Skywarp just laughs before he gets it under control. Also, you're gonna bleed dry if this continues, Wing. Who needs patience when you can just chop of an easily-repaired limb?]

I think you need to change tactics, Wing. Maybe slam a sword or two down right in front of them! And apparently TransTech don't get aloof until they get their adult frames. [Skywarp snickers and then his optics brighten in both surprise and amusement as Wing, even just verbally, gives in.]

Leashes and collars.


[Video] swordofpeace August 11 2011, 16:33:51 UTC
[Oh dear.]

[If Wing had time to glower, Skywarp would be facing a fearsome and mighty glower indeed for that laugh. ]

Violence doesn't solve anything, Skywarp. [Even Wing doesn't sound convinced.]

And no. They are rather...tactile when young. And curious. [A sort of haunted expression. Don't ask. He has bitemarks in highly unacceptable places.]

Leashes--no! [Another glower as he steels himself.] No, I will manage this myself. [What kind of kinky stuff are you even thinking, Skywarp?!]


[Video] savedubywarping August 11 2011, 16:41:13 UTC
[Don't you mean 'oh yes'?]

[If Wing had had time to glower, Skywarp would be cowering not.]

Aw, Wing, who said anything 'bout violence. [Wing, Wing, Wing... Who is it that's forming the wrong conclusions about what to do, here?]

I mean scare them a little. They won't offline from having a sword slammed down in front of them! [They'll probably sound funny, though. Squeak and everthing.]

Can't let 'em climb all over you, y'know. That won't teach them to behave.

Don't knock it till you've tried it! Whatever means necessary, I say. [Skywarp just smirks at that glower, shrugging unrepentantly.]

[Hey, putting kids on leashes aren't kinky! ... but maybe the collar bit was.]


[Video] swordofpeace August 11 2011, 17:06:07 UTC
[No, what he means is D: ]

I...uh...I don't think pulling a weapon on newframes is tolerated. For whatever intent. [Oh yes, absolutely, Wing's entirely wrong for yoking 'Decepticon' and 'needless violence'. His sincerest apologies.]

Yes, I've...realized that. [Thanks for the heads up, though, Skywarp. Wing figured that one out two days ago.] I'd take 'be quiet' right now over 'behave'.

Seizan, am I going to have to sit on you again?


[Video] savedubywarping August 11 2011, 17:13:41 UTC
[Aw, c'mon, he'll be nice! He can pet your wings and everything!]

Ppfft. It builds character! But, if you ain't allowed to use them, why are you allowed to have your swords with you when you...uh, care for the protoframes? [Ah, order restored! Wonderful~.]

Maybe take away all their stuff, lock them in an empty room and leave them there for a breem or two? [Hey, at least he's not like Starscream right? He's totally kind of, maybe, somewhat, vaguely? being helpful! He's constructive and everything.]

[And at that comment, Skywarp laughs again. Sorry Wing, he can't help it. Much too amusing.]


[Video] swordofpeace August 11 2011, 17:25:41 UTC
[Those wings are very sensitive! *clutches pearls*]

Self defense, I'm beginning to think.

I am supposed to be teaching them weapons forms. Right now it's...a bad idea. [Would you arm these two?]

I tried that, already. [Wing frowns at the memory.] It did not end well. They apparently engaged in a 'kicking contest' with the walls. Then each other.

[And then a sharp, dismayed sound as Suiken ducks out from his grip, cackling as she runs off.]


[Video] savedubywarping August 11 2011, 17:31:41 UTC
[So he'll be reallyy gentle! Or you put on that really sparkly, shiny Mask, and they go skydancing, with warping parts. How does that sound?]

... [There's a bit of silence as Skywarp frowns, considering what he's seen of the two up till now, and then he shrugs.]

Well, if you give them weapons they'll learn those can hurt. You just gotta make sure they don't kill each other, right? [There's something here that says Skywarp thinks that would be a good idea.]

I still say you should tie them to the ceiling. [Better you than him, Wing. Better you than him.]


[Video] swordofpeace August 11 2011, 20:11:34 UTC
[A-are you flirting with Wing? Wow, you really know how to choose your moments, Skywarp.]

Make sure they don't kill each other, damage the apartment, maim the other help, [Wing starts ticking off the points on his fingers. He was apparently read a list of his duties.]...terrorize the neighbors, destroy public property....

[And the very thing that makes Skywarp thinks this is a good idea is what makes Wing pretty certain it is a terrible idea.]

...it's a bad idea to let Suiken near rope. [Shudder. How do you think they got him to hold still while they drew that Decepticon sigil on him?]


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