
Jul 20, 2011 19:35

[Three days have come and gone. Another hail to Wheeljack goes unanswered and he hasn't heard of anyone else managing to contact him yet. It's highly unlikely to be Shockwave now; he'd never kept anyone longer than this and Jazz doubted that he'd suddenly start doing it ( Read more... )

transformers: classics | cliffjumper, npc | cheetor, transformers: idw | jazz

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[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] batcheetah July 21 2011, 01:42:25 UTC
Yes? What is it?


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] ops_meister July 21 2011, 03:06:51 UTC
We're missing a 'Bot. He went missing four days ago and we've checked all his usual places. It's like he dropped completely off the map.


Usually when a mech goes missing like this he shows back up in three days. Altered in some way, but they're still here . There's a handful of us he would've told if he'd gotten his exit visa.

[His visor darkens with worry.]

It just doesn't feel right. We think there's some foul play going on here.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] batcheetah July 21 2011, 03:33:46 UTC
So... you want to file a missing person report?

That doesn't seem to warrant all the secrecy, though. And you can submit them to any security station in the Nexus.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] ops_meister July 21 2011, 03:40:17 UTC
Not really, no offense to you, but it seems like most of the Transtech offices are overworked and I don't hold much hopes of them caring about one of us 'offworlders'.

[Jazz sighs.]

I'd really appreciate either being able to look through the surveillance tapes for him or if you'd have someone do it. If we know where he was last... we can keep looking ourselves and not bother you with it.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] batcheetah July 21 2011, 03:47:17 UTC
Whether or not they care isn't important. My officers do their jobs, regardless of the missing party's status. That is the one thing I can control, and you can bet no one under my command would be caught dead showing that kind of favoritism.

[Starscream's subordinates on the other hand...]


If you think we're so callous and overworked... why come to me directly? What makes you think I'm not just as overworked as my officers are?


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] ops_meister July 21 2011, 04:05:09 UTC
[Jazz raises his hands in a no harm, no foul sort of way.]

Of course they do, didn't mean to suggest otherwise but if you had a friend gone missing, on a strange world where at least half the locals hated your internals--wouldn't you want to make sure it was done right? Wouldn't you want to look yourself? If they can't find a trace of him; it's standard procedure to make it a cold-case. On the flip-side, we won't stop looking.


Because I respect you, more than the rest. I know you do your job right and I don't trust a Starscream any further than I can throw him. You're willing to listen and not write us off. I know you've gotta be overworked. If you're willing to help us. I'm willing to do something, anything, to help you out in compensation.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] batcheetah July 21 2011, 04:14:57 UTC
I'd probably trust a security force that's shown itself to be as impartial as its superiors will allow it to be. I don't like random disappearances in my Zones. I never have. Part of the reason the combat arenas keep getting shut down.

Don't write off my officers, first of all. Beyond that, for me to ask you for anything would be considered bribery or extortion. Start by submitting a missing person's report.

... I'll also need an ID number, and description.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] ops_meister July 21 2011, 04:49:48 UTC
[He rubs a hand at the back of his helm.]

Guess I'm still not used to trusting mechs I don't know. [War will do that to you.] I'll give yours a chance, but I can't promise the same for your Starscream.

I'll get right on that. [He nods. First he'll have to make sure that Cliffjumper hasn't.]

Here's is ID. [Sent! And have a picture too, because that's how Jazz rolls.] He's about this tall. [Gesture]. White, green and red paint job and he's got head-panels on either side of his helm that light up.

Can't tell you how much I appreciate this.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] batcheetah July 21 2011, 05:23:07 UTC
I'm not asking you to do anything regarding Starscream, except to stay out of his way.

I've got it. Just give me some time to access the databases.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] ops_meister July 21 2011, 17:53:33 UTC
More than happy to.


Thank you.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] batcheetah July 21 2011, 19:04:52 UTC
He's really more of an internal affairs position, anyway. So you really shouldn't have any problem avoiding him. He's not part of ANOSA.

Just a moment. These things take time.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] ops_meister July 21 2011, 22:03:43 UTC
All the easier then.

[One conversation with Starscream was enough to last Jazz a lifetime.]

Of course.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] batcheetah July 21 2011, 22:15:32 UTC

Our video footage puts your friend in Zone Four. Apparently... trying to...

[Cheetor pauses, trying to determine what exactly he's seeing. And then he sighs.]

... Trying to hide from our surveillance, I think. For all the good that did.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] ops_meister July 21 2011, 23:06:45 UTC
[Jazz frowns. He has no idea why Wheeljack would be doing that; he doesn't know this one very well.]

Could be he wasn't hiding from security. He might have been threatened by someone and was trying to hide from them. Cliffjumper knows him better; he might know.

Again, thanks for giving us somewhere to start looking.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] batcheetah July 22 2011, 01:31:05 UTC
He... just looks like he's trying to salvage parts, from what I can tell.

[ANOSA's cameras are everywhere -- there is no escape.]

You should still put in a missing person's report. That would get you more support. Official support. Which means I don't have to potentially arrest you or your friends from breaking into wherever you suspect him of being held.

Because... sparks in the right place or not... if I hear word of a group of Outworlders breaking and entering, or interrogating anyone... my officers will step in.


[Locked - Transtech Encryption - Not Hackable] ops_meister July 23 2011, 03:48:17 UTC
Probably working on a new project. Why he would hide that I don't know.

[Jazz shrugs.]

I'll do it right away and keep that in mind. I'll try to keep my friends from doing anything illegal.

[He'll refrain from mentioning he tried to hack into your cameras, guessing that probably falls under 'breaking and entering'.]


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