
May 19, 2011 00:57

[Seems like someone's fiddling with the controls, because the feed wavers between shaky, fuzzy video and  audio at first, settling on audio but obviously not meant to be broadcasting anything yet as the grumbling sounds as if whoever they are are talking to themselves.]

Sideswipe's right... Good guys against evil, even when they ain't in the right places, that's easy. Simple. Now this's gonna mess up my reaction times an' targeting subroutines... just 'bout when I got it all sorted---

[A faint groan follows the mutterings, swallowing anything else that might have been said, and a thunk that sounds suspiciously as if someone smacked their servo to their faceplates. Then the audio-only suddenly switches to a decent video feed, showing the unmistakeable silhouette of a red, sensor-horned minibot. Cliffjumper doesn't look pleased at all.]

Ya know, considerin' what I've heard of this place, I think I'd have preferred some other dimension... Anyway, any Autobots... with red insignias, that is, 'round here? Anyone with a purple one'll get a cannon to the face. An' if there's any 'Cons around with red insignias, ya know who ya are, I wanna hear from you too. Any other Decepticreep can go offline themselves.

And Sideswipe, if ya came with me, then comm. me, slaggit.

[Cliffjumper shakes his head, looking annoyed, edging into pissed off, but not particularly confused at being where he is. After all, he's already done this interdimensional traveling scrap once before, and as long as he can find Autobots (or Decepticons) of the right configuration, he's satisfied. At least he didn't get shot at this time.]

transformers: classics | cliffjumper

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