
May 10, 2011 16:47

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[video] not_your_gun May 11 2011, 07:23:44 UTC

[That...makes him curious.]


I will take you up on this offer.

[Seeing as that he apparently owned thousands of drinks. He's still getting used to that.]


[video] topspinning May 11 2011, 08:50:46 UTC
[... y'know, he could swear this guy was Megatron, but... ]

Uh... which one? The drinks, or hand-climbing the zones?


[video] not_your_gun May 11 2011, 15:54:51 UTC
...don't tell me you actually intend to do that on your hands? They did put the streets there for a reason...

[He grins though, not actually intending for it to be an insult. Not yet.]

But I did mean the drinks. I know several good places, high-key and low. And if you have an interesting story...

[Then he'd hear it. Oh, yes, he would. Any more items to add to his arsenal of knowledge were worth it.]


[video] topspinning May 11 2011, 19:50:29 UTC
Don't tell me you're afraid of a challenge, pal.

[This is Megatron, right? This has to be Megatron. What the hell would make him think he can chat up a Wrecker? Then again... if there's a sparkly shiny pony here, and there's a Cybertron without war... maybe a Megatron who's not a genocidal afthole can exist... ]

My story - well, it depends on where your interest lies, really.

You got a name?


[video] not_your_gun May 11 2011, 22:45:20 UTC
There are very few things I am afraid of.

[Trantechs. Soundwave. Possibly electromagnetic pulses or zombification, since those seemed to keep coming up.]

But do you just like making maps, or is there a deeper purpose to it?

The name is Magnum.

And, since you seem to like maps...

[He gives you coordinates to a small, out of the way bar in Zone 5. One that'll be tricky to get to...but one he does feel is worth the price.]


[video] topspinning May 12 2011, 06:57:57 UTC
Magnum, huh?

I'd be interested to know just what those few things are, actually.

As for the mapping thing, I was a cartographer back in the old days. Damn good at it, paid the bills, nothing like conquering a fresh bit of territory.

[THAT'll have to get a tell out of this guy, right? He's gotta figure out what Megs is playing at here...]

Seems like this joint is out of the way - you're not hiding from anything, are ya, pal?


[video] not_your_gun May 12 2011, 22:16:19 UTC
Information such as that does not come cheap.

[He's...weighing this. Is he speaking with an Autobot like Ironhide? Or like Ratchet? Like Prime? Or more like Hot Rod. A mech who took it upon himself to hand-scour the millions of miles of roads in Axiom Nexus was far from 'soft,' but he didn't read like a Decepticon, either.]

I could get behind 'conquering,' yes. Being the first to see something? Knowing that you are? [And then taking it and making it yours.]
Did you do interstellar work, or were you somewhere closer to home?

And it isn't out of the way.

[He laughed, showing plenty of teeth.] You seem as if you like a challenge, mech-who-climbs Axiom. And if you also appreciate your high grade you'd know the best places are never on the main drive.


[video] (Feel free to let me know if the conclusions Top's reaching in the Verity thread aren't ok) topspinning May 14 2011, 00:26:21 UTC
That's a fair point there, Magnum.

[For the moment, he resists the temptation to call him 'Mags.')

I was on a lot of away teams - the demand for cartographers is considerably less on a planet we've mapped every inch of, so a mech has to find work where he can get it. Organic landscapes can be a hell of a lot more challenging, too, considering the relative fragility of the terrain...

...and you're right. Always like to be the first to put my stamp on a place.

Tell you what - you buy me a drink to get a story out of me, I'll buy you one to get something you fear out of you. Sound like a good deal?


[video](Been being MASSIVELY amused by that thread, so you're fine~ I like your Topspin!) not_your_gun May 14 2011, 01:11:18 UTC
I was always surprised how infrequently we bothered to map Cybertron, and it was extremely close. [He smirks at his almost-joke, remembering how many miles of uncharted territory lay underneath Kaon.] But I highly suggest avoiding Earth, if you have not run across it yet. From what I can tell it seems to be a Cybertronian buzz-trap.

[As in, it was where every problem ever tried to stem from.]


[Oh, but this one drove a hard bargain. Briefly, he wondered if it wouldn't be more trouble than it was worth...but...that was only speculation. Even if the night went horribly bad, the worst he had to look forward to was getting to slag another Autobot. Truly, a win-win situation.]

I will meet you in three cycles then. That should be enough time to acclimatize?


[video] Cool! Glad you like! It'll be interesting to see how close Tops comes to getting slagged. topspinning May 14 2011, 01:37:53 UTC
I mapped as much as they'd let me map on Cybertron, but you know, there were always 'restricted areas.' I swear, some of the slag those Senators would pull...

But anyway, yeah, I've heard some tell about Earth. I think it's best if we all avoid that slag pit.

[Please never go to Earth, Megatron.]

Three cycles it is. Looking forward to it, Magnum.

[You know, Tops, this might cross that line between challenging and stupid...]


[video] OH yes. not_your_gun May 14 2011, 01:53:32 UTC
Oh, trust me when I say 'I know.' [He nearly purrs it, but its closer to a growl.]

What is it that you've heard?

[He wonders if the Autobots have had it bad there, too.]

As am I.

[He's also rescheduling his evening...we can move to actionspam here, or would you rather make a separate log?]


[video] It'll certainly be a thrill for him, if he walks away from it. Or rockets away. topspinning May 14 2011, 09:03:43 UTC
[Huh. He's got some beef with the old government - something like that could put this guy on the path to being the horrible afthole he becomes... damn, now his curiosity's getting the best of him.]

What have I heard about Earth? Sounds like the same stuff you did. We'll talk more about it once I've got a couple in me, all right? See you later, pal.

[A new log would be great!]


[video] Wreckers always like a thrill... not_your_gun May 14 2011, 17:49:46 UTC

I'm looking forward to this.

[He ends transmission, and goes about his work.]

[[Excellent~ I'll set it up.]]


[video/jack] Welcome to Axiom. We threadjack here. wreckerverity May 12 2011, 02:25:13 UTC


The Frag.

Do you think.

you're DOING?

Do you have any idea who that is?!?


[video/locked] topspinning May 12 2011, 02:38:15 UTC
I've got an idea or two, yeah. How 'bout you fill me in on what his deal is here?


[video/locked] wreckerverity May 12 2011, 04:03:48 UTC
DUDE that's Megatron. How many more 'ideas' do you fraggin' need?!?!

Lemme lay this on you and you can tell me how much sounds familiar:

He runs an Arena.

He's got that cannon on his arm.

His name is Megatron.

He's trying to gather an army.

Seriously. What more you need to know?!


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