[Video. Not locked]

May 07, 2011 11:08

[The video starts by focusing on a large, empty dog bowl...which a cybertronian hand picks up for size reference.]

It turns out something of mine is missing. [He shakes some dust off the bowl.] And probably has been for some time. I can't imagine that a three-headed, one story tall organic canine can vanish easily, so I want him found. ( Read more... )

transformers: idw | megatron

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[Video / Locked] derpjack_ftw May 8 2011, 03:36:14 UTC
[Replying slightly late because he was up to his drive train in a project before now.]

[He's tentative about offering to help . . . but there's that concept of "enemy of my enemy" (or...whatever, the point being...) . . . not to mention if he can find Soundwave, he's got a damned good chance of finding Ratchet too!]

Megatron. I . . . might be able ta help. If ya still need someone. No promises, but I'd be willin' ta give it a shot.


[Video / Locked] not_your_gun May 8 2011, 04:24:27 UTC
[It takes him a few moments to assign the right I.D. to this mech...especially since he'd had so little contact with a Wheeljack, before. But this had to be one, and...if so, he gave the blue-haired human significantly more credit for obtaining him so fast.]

We will need something like...a long range scanner, and fast.

The good news is, it only needs to be tuned to one frequency.


You are Wheeljack, I hope?


[Video / Locked] derpjack_ftw May 8 2011, 05:30:18 UTC
[That...makes him pause a moment. Just that he's not used to such a question. But he brushes that aside and nods.]

Yeah, I'm Wheeljack. I'm an inventor an' the Chief Engineer for my side. In my Stream, anyway.

Long-range scanner's no problem. I should be able ta pull together the components an' have one - actually, we'll need three - have 'em built by tonight.


[Video / Locked] not_your_gun May 8 2011, 05:58:16 UTC
Chief Engineer. That is...impressive.

[So was the speed at which he'd have the instruments in question ready by. This was exactly the sort of mech he needed right now, and for not the first time he was annoyed by the lack of his own Chief Engineer.

On the other hand, Isaac was taking care of something equally important, so the division of tasks seemed to have worked itself out.]

I can provide you with the necessary data, then. I would...prefer to do it in person, since I do not trust the network right now. If you can send the blue-haired female to the following coordinates...

[He provides a set.]

Then I will give her a disk with the relevant information that she can bring back to you.

Your devices must be capable of scanning outside of the Offworld Nexus proper. They won't be legal.

[He wants to make certain that Wheeljack is aware of this.]


[Video / Locked] derpjack_ftw May 8 2011, 06:35:03 UTC
[It hadn't been his intention to impress so much as just emphasize that he was in fact capable of delivering on his offer. For once, he wasn't having to try to overcome the popular-opinion reputation he'd managed to earn. He was the Autobots' Chief Engineer, and for good reason. People tented to forget that, so he sometimes had to remind them. But thankfully, this mech took him on his word, so he didn't have to try to prove himself yet again.]

[It helped, too, that he'd be able to wrangle at least some what he'd need from Cy-Tech's supplies, and he could work on it on company time with company tools and equipment. He'd just have to submit the right paperwork. That wouldn't be a problem.]

[He frowned though, optics darkening a bit, at some of Megatron's proposal.]

I understand, an' it will be. The female, though - I think ya mean Stormer? She's a friend, an acquaintance, not my assistant. She still probably would if I asked her, but . . . I'd rather not involve her. I don't wanna endanger her.

[This whole business was ( ... )


[Video / Locked] not_your_gun May 8 2011, 18:34:32 UTC

What...an almost normal name, for a human. [It sounded Cybertronian. Much more so than other names he'd heard. 'Roger.' 'Sam.' 'Mikaela.' Did humans enjoy stringing random sounds together?]

She asked me how she could help. I do not particularly care how you retrieve the information, but she could save you some time.

It always amuses me how concerned Autobots are with organic safety. What are you worried about? That I'll step on her accidentally?

[He laughs.]

But I digress. Will you need any funding for this project?

[Okay, perhaps Wing's yelling at him was doing some good. He'd at least remembered to ask.]


[Video / Locked] derpjack_ftw May 10 2011, 08:31:43 UTC
[The dig earns the Decepticon a "look".]

Considerin' the long history I could recount with my own Stream's Megatron, I'm sure you could forgive me some general concern. But no, actually, that's not it. If for no other reason than you'd want her ta be capable of gettin' me your information. But you yourself just pointed out how illegal this is. Should the slag hit the impeller on this, I don't want her in trouble with the Trans Techs for "aidin' an' abettin'" or somethin' stupid like that. The less contact she has with this, the less likely she'll hit any trouble for it. There's no point in it, either.

[And he'll drop it at that. The safety of another is not a point of debate for the Autobot, but he's not here to antagonize the Decepticon any more than he is to take any bait offered. He nods at the last.]

Yeah, actually, I might. For materials, if nothin' else.

[Not like he needs - or necessarily wants - to be compensated for his time and effort if it means possibly getting his best friend back before any real damage is ( ... )


[Video / Locked] not_your_gun May 10 2011, 23:22:22 UTC
[Megatron listens...his optics flashing at the note of argument in Wheeljack's explanation....

but at the end, he only nods.]

You make a compelling point.

[One less person involved was one less person to testify, if their activities got out of hand.]

[He records your ID.]

Noted. I expect to hear from you in one solar cycle, then, if not sooner.

((OOC: Got the new thread up~ You found it, so lets continue there.))


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