May 03, 2011 02:19
[A video feed opens on a little pony, with blue coat, silvery mane, a single spiral horn upon her forehead. She is seated in a chair in what would be recognizable, to those who have visited, as the interior of Axiom Nexus Central Bank. Just behind her, a Tenktonese gentleman in a conservative suit bows. He can be heard explaining that video is not allowed within the bank.]
[The pony, horn glowing faintly pink, ignores the bank employee and speaks to the camera.] The Great and Powerful Trixie has arrived!
[She bows her head slightly, her large purple eyes shift from side to side, as if reading, and quickly she looks up, with a toothy, equine smile.] Axiom Nexus! Trixie is here to mystify and entertain you with her spectacular feats of magic!
[The Tenktonese man begs to interrupt again. Trixie, the pony, turns and speaks to him. The mic doesn't pick-up the audio clearly, but it's low, patronizing in tone, and mentions "water".]
[The feed now conveys a sickly wobble, like a horror movie shot with hand-held running through the woods, or exactly like a magical pony levitating her communication device without full concentration. Trixie looks towards the camera again, and now at the bottom of the frame, a stylus is seen moving over a datapad, though no hand or other appendage holds it.] First a few mandatory announcements. Trixie is from Equestria, which I am told, will only be recognized as "Harmony 1010.10 Alpha" on your magic-book things. The Great and Powerful Trixie knows all about magic books! And you walking-
[She's clearly reading from some prompt, again.] Cy-ber-tronians, with your trans-form-ation technology. [Trixie looks up, after reading the words.] The Great and Powerful Trixie created a Transformer with her magic! He was a Prime, which means he couldn't come with Trixie.
[Trixie is distracted by something out of frame, and turns to her right.] What was the exchange rate?
[A third voice, with the distinctive flange of a mechanoid, answers.] Four bits to a credit. Minimum wage is 20 credits.
Thats... [She's doing the math.] Trixie can make EIGHTY bits an HOUR?! [This seems to be a large sum to the pony.]
We use "cycles" for chron-
[Trixie laughs, somewhat disarmingly, still looking off to her right. The stylus clearly flips to electronically erase entered data, then flips back again to re-enter.]
[The Tenktonese gentleman comes forward again, reaching toward the camera. The feed shows a rapid motion blur as the camera is moved. Trixie can still be heard:]
Trixie is speaking to her audience!
[The feed is cut.]
my little pony: fim | trixie