[Backdated liek whoa to Graham's disappearence]

Mar 28, 2011 21:25

[The feet cuts on with a clatter, the device has been dropped somewhere amongst car parts and monkey wrenches. There's an audible and forceful knock and boots clicking on the floor, a girl in shorts answers, curious. It's Mikaela, and the tone is hushed and she gives a strangled sort of little noise at the word 'deported' then she's handed something big, but she nods and doesn't break down as she backs up and slams the door harder than necessary.

It's a long package in her hands, like a tool and when the brown paper is ripped off it's huge - a silver wrench almost two feet long. Graham's. She stares at it for an undetermined amount of time in silence.


It's with a silent rage that she hefts it in her hands, looks up, and swings at the car that's been jacked up, glass smashing everywhere. It's window after window, hood, trunk, side panels and then she moves on to the next one, windows, doors, bent metal - one after another until every. single. vehicle in that shop, everything they'd started to build together, create together, is destroyed.

Then it's just her, alone, and it's quiet for a long, long time.

The feed times out, and shuts itself off.]

((ooc responses will be ICly delayed for several hours.))

transformers: 2007 movie | mikaela banes

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