[Actionspam] Stranger in a Strange...Time?

Mar 28, 2011 16:09

[ooc: wheee, first post! (hope I'm Doing It Right. >.<) This is open to anyone who wants to deal with a grumpy bounty hunter, voice, video or action. He hasn't accessed the Network yet, but feel free to ping him. Just don't expect any cordiality. XD Oh, and I need to afk for a few hours, but I'll back on tonight and most nights this week to tag. ( Read more... )

† transformers: animated | lockdown

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[Action, obviously] lolponcho swordofpeace March 28 2011, 23:26:57 UTC
[It's still early in Wing's shift at Viva la Greed, so the new tables are still easy to spot. He's also been working here long enough that he's used to the regulars. And though he's never seen this one before (nor anyone, uh, quite like him, with the--is that a hook?), the newcomer certainly looks like he's no stranger to this sort of establishment.]

[He whips out his happy smile.]

Greetings! My name is Wing and I'll be your server for the evening. [Wing likes the little ritual of these things.]

What can I get for you?


[Action] hunter_for_hire March 29 2011, 03:44:58 UTC
[He could feel the sunny glow of the mech's optics from across the joint, but what really caught the trophy-collector's attention was the impressive longsword attached to the back of this ornately-armored flier.

What can he get for him, he asks? How 'bout that fancy weapon on a platter.]

Got any Flat Tire on tap?

[His gaze shifts momentarily to meet the beaming yellow optics then start scanning the Cybertronian's chassis for signs of factional allegiance. Expecting to find a red face, he's surprised to find nothing. He meets the yellow optics with a curious gaze before speaking again.]

In the can s'fine too.


[Action] swordofpeace March 29 2011, 03:54:43 UTC
[Wing can feel the gaze fixate on his Great Sword. It wasn't the first time, probably won't be the last. There weren't many swords in Axiom, and beyond Drift's, no other Great Swords that he's seen.]

On tap, of course. [He nods graciously. No mech drank from a can when they could get it fresher. Unless they had some...interesting reasons. ]

[The newcomer's optics sure like to take a nice long slow tour of Wing's frame. Also not a first time for this. Wing smiles. It is flattering, he supposes. Time to start earning his tip, though.]

You'll forgive me, but I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new? [He's willing to guess the newcomer's Malgian, too, by his design. But some mechs might find that presumptuous. ]


[Action] hunter_for_hire March 29 2011, 04:16:35 UTC
[He hesitates before replying, gauging the mech's sincerity. He's has an unnecessary amount of politeness for working a servicing job in a seedy establishment. He's either new or it's a cover, he can't quite tell yet. But he knows for certain he isn't ready to advertise his naivety in regard the goings on of this alternate universe yet, especially to mech who may be, judging by his design, a native.]

S'my first time in here.

[He looks past the mech, keeping a vigilant watch on those who came and went, looking for any trace of a bot from his own 'verse.]

Get a lot a'travelers passin' through?


[Action]argh spellingfail swordofpeace March 29 2011, 18:50:33 UTC
[Or, Lockdown, there's a third option: Wing is actually just Terminally Nice.]

Well, I'll try my hardest to make sure it won't be your last! [For some reason, Wing's discovered, newcomers like that slightly schmaltzy charm. And he doesn't mind doing it, of course.]

[But this one wants to talk, at least a little bit, which is always promising.]

I think we're all passing through. Just takes some of us longer than others. Some mechs have been here for megacycles, I've heard. [He notices the red optics, active, darting around him, and he steps gracefully out of the way. Something about this mech's mannerisms, including the, uh, poncho, and the tense, wandering optics make Wing think that this mech is looking for something or someone. On the hunt, perhaps. He might have to keep an optic on this one. He likes a peaceful floor. ]

Is there anyone in particular you're looking for?


[Action] hunter_for_hire March 29 2011, 19:34:30 UTC
[Lockdown's getting the feeling this fella could just be Terminally Nice.
As the mech speaks again, the hunter finds it interesting that an obviously established resident of this Cybertron isn't clear about what's going on. That or he's busting out some philosophical riddles like that fragger Yoketron used to do.]

S'that so.

[He chooses to ignore the last question. He's looking for answers more than anything, so perhaps this mech could be the one to talk to.]

How long've you been here? Ya seen other mechs that are...

[The poncho comes off.]

...similar in design to me?

[Right, even bots in Lockdown's 'verse aren't similar in looks to him, but this alternate-verse Cybertronian should know what he means.]


[Action] swordofpeace March 29 2011, 19:56:44 UTC
[Established residents can probably score better jobs than serving drinks and giving Dirge wingrubs.]

It is! I'm rather new here myself, but I have an...acquaintance [Slight unhappiness there] who has been here for at least a megacycle.

[Wing makes a sudden twitch as Lockdown strips off the poncho, first at the suddenness of the movement, then at the frame. He looks...familiar. Not entirely the same, but similar.

[The battle. Drift. And that other Cybertronian, the one who wore the Decepticon sigil. That's missing, here--there's a spot where some faction symbol used to be, but it's blank--but the resemblance is...uncanny.]

I...errr...Malgian, yes?[He recovers, and the smile's back on--it's not this mech's fault, whatever that Decepticon did.] We have a number of those here. The mech who runs this Casino is of Malgian origin.

[This makes Wing certain that the stranger is looking for someone. How exciting!] And it's only fair: how long have you been here, erm...stranger?


[Action] hunter_for_hire March 30 2011, 17:50:55 UTC
Name's Lockdown. [Frag, does that always have a nice ring to it.] N'yours?

[The flier's momentary shift of demeanor doesn't go unnoticed. The hunter's looks effect the mech somehow, but it's more than just initial intimidation at his prided spikey style. Lockdown gets the sense this mech has seen him before, but he can't ever remember meeting him. The bounty hunter has seen a lot of places and lot of faces over his eons, but he would remember this one. He always remembers the prettier, more unique chassis, especially the ones he never claimed a piece of for himself.]

Malgian, yeah. [He saw the name in his paperwork. Perhaps he should actually finish reading it to like, yanno, answer some more of his questions.]

One a'my kind runs this place? [O.o] Who?


[Action] swordofpeace March 30 2011, 21:49:39 UTC
[Lockdown. He hasn't heard the name before, but that had to be the same name. Wing has seen mechs that look completely different sharing the same name, but never two mechs who looked alike with different designations.]

My designation's Wing. [Have another smile. He miiiiiiight be fishing for information.] And what do you do for a living, Lockdown?

[He suspects he knows the answer.]

Yes. Well, a Malgian airframe, at any rate. His designation is Dirge.

[A hesitation, the optics flicking over the void faction symbol.]

He is a Decepticon.


[Action] hunter_for_hire March 31 2011, 02:45:10 UTC
[Have a cockeyed smile and a monotone response.]


[The real question is what doesn't he do for upgrades for a living.] M'a bounty hunter.

[His turn to fish.] 'Bout you, Wing. What'd ya do before this place? By the looks a'that sword, I reckon it wasn't drink peddlin'.

[He loses the smile at the mention of one of the ELUSIVE Starscream clones.]

I know Dirge. [Only by wanted poster unfortunately.]


[Action] swordofpeace March 31 2011, 03:04:01 UTC
[That pleasantry didn't sound very...pleasant. But Wing doesn't know much about what things were like in the Malgian timestream. And it's a piece of the puzzle from his own timestream.]

You must have some fascinating stories. [He gives a sincere headtilt. He loved his home but he has begun to realize, since his time here, how insular it really was, on many levels, and how much there was out there he didn't know and hadn't seen, all those megacycles buried under the ground.]

I am a Knight. And yes, it was...very different from this job. Of course, my home was a very different place. But this job has its benefits.

[Wing almost understands that look.] Yes, Dirge is interesting. He's quite... friendly. [(?) A little too friendly, perhaps.]


[Action] hunter_for_hire March 31 2011, 03:13:11 UTC
[He's got lotsa stories. But very few he could actually tell without breaking the First Rule of Bounty Hunting.]

A...Knight? [A white night at that.] Your home world have dragons to slay or some such slag like that?


: [Action] swordofpeace March 31 2011, 03:55:07 UTC
Yes. [Headtilt.] They don't have knights where you're from? [He half suspects it, but thus far most mechs have simply gotten so caught up in the gold optics/no faction thing and started slapping him with labels like 'coward' and 'fool' to actually bother to ask him what he was.]

And I suppose you might say that, [he laughs,] but our dragons are...metaphorical.

Tell me something, Lockdown. There's a war in the Malgian universe, yes? [He's seen Malgians with faction sigils, so Wing makes the not-particularly-strenuous leap of logic. ] Did you have any in your timestream who simply wanted no part of the war?


[Action] hunter_for_hire March 31 2011, 04:33:50 UTC
My 'verse got bots that could pass for Knights I suppose, though they get the title Cyber Ninja. [another bitter scowl.] Fraggers.

[Metaphorical dragons. Great. More slag that reminds him of Yoketron's religious poppycock. He's glad the mech chose to change the subject.]

Ohhh yeah. We got war. Great War's over but there's always conflict 'tween the factions. [Damned profitable conflict too.] And don't every war come with it's share a peaceniks?


[Action]Ah TFA, the only thing more otaku fanwarped than Drift Xd swordofpeace March 31 2011, 18:01:17 UTC
Cyber ninjas? [They might be the same thing. Different timestream and all.] Do they have a code of honor?

Yes, it seems the one thing these factions cannot do is get along. Even here, it seems. [Wing frowns.] Even after the war, you say?

[The wingpanels rustle. Oh. This again.] Some simply want no part in such needless killing. Is that such a bad thing? To want to be left alone when all either side has to promise is slavery to the machinery of death?


[Action] hunter_for_hire March 31 2011, 21:42:39 UTC
Honor. Sure. [Have some sarcasm.] If ya call it honorable to preach about skill over weapon while stealing a mech's mods.

[He shrugs.] War didn't do anythin' but give the 'cons more grudges, which is fine by me. Ain't nothin' quite so lucrative in my line a'work as a warlord with a grudge.

[Lockdown listens intently as Wing continues, his words striking a familiar chord, and answering the hunter's question of this mech's factional standing. Or lack of.] Ain't a bad thing to follow your spark. Which is exactly what those doin' the "needless killing" will tell ya too.


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