Now that I'm effectively employed.
...Yeah, let me re-introduce myself. My name is Isaac Clarke. I'm an engineer, I used to fix ships for a living. Shit got weird in my world, but it has nothing to do with here, so it's not worth mentioning much more than that.
I guess I wanted to apologize or something for my behavior when I first got here.
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The Nexus must really like me lately. So many humans~
Who the hell are you?
My name is Dirge.
Why no video, hm? Afraid to show off your good looks?
Dirge. Gee, how poetic.
You want fucking video? Here. Have a video. You happy now?
Do you think so?
[Squints at the screen] You've got...metal all over you.
Yeah, a real shocker, isn't it? Metal all over me. Point?
Can it be removed?
Stay away from this one. I've already made my claim on him. If you so much as touch him I will be all over you like a stupidity on Blackout.
By saying all that you've basically sent me an invitation with ribbons and glitter! I want what you have and I'd be happy to fight you for it. You know that.
I know what you're like. Little predator. You'd have done it anyway had I not said anything.
[It takes a few seconds for him to snap out of that lovely vision]
I'm not little. So why waste the words? I want him.
Yes, well. You are not permitted. Remember who the leader is now, Dirge? I will wreck your entire pathetic little life if you cross me.
It's your fault. All that I am is what you are too, deep down. You're never satisfied either, are you Starscream?
[He'd...forgotten about that. His wings droop.] I will....just have to kill you in the arena. ....Then I can have him.
You're a bad mech. I'm disappointed, the way you turned out, Useless. You'll never amount to anything.
You really do like to kill. I know it, I've seen it in your memories. It makes you feel good. Like you know you're better than them, because you've proven it.
And your ambition... that is mine too. Who else should the world belong to? Leadership? Respect? Praise? You crave it and so do I.
[Snarl] You're wrong! ....I'm... I've gotten better! I'm working...on it...
You eat humans. You may have snippets of my desires, but without being refined, you are nothing but a blunt weapon to be directed and unleashed.
Stop acting like you're a real mech.
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